
Who do you think caused/planned 911?

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Bush and the government




  1. I think George W. Bushenfuckenheimer planned it.

  2. Bush is an oil man.  9/11 gave him an excuse to invade Iraq.  But why would he want to invade Iraq?  As it happens, the Iraqi's recently discovered oil reserves that put their total reserves above Saudi Arabia's.  The article is below.  This could be why we bothered going in to Iraq, not because of WMDs.  North Korea has tested WMDs, but we never even bothered with them.  But they don't have the oil that Iraq has.  I'm surprised that so few are putting these things together.  Are we that stupid?  

  3. Of course not. Osama Bin Laden and his gang of fanatic thugs, who do anything to get those 70 virgins when they die as martyrs, as far as I am concerned

  4. it's all shady from this to jthe fk assinatiion, the "sucide" of marilyn monroe (which they say the cia killed her because she knew too much) etc...etc...etc.....we will never know the truth

  5. George W Bush is a traitor.  He is not working for the United States.  He is working for the Carlyle Group.  He let 9-11 happen.  We would have been better served With Gore in the White House which he actually had the popular vote in 2000 but the State of Florida which Jeb Bush was Governor at the Time intervened and the rest is history.  His father is also another traitor.  He is the reason we had the first Gulf war.  He had a p*****n girl lie about the Iraqi Army on American Television,  cunning lies that forever turned the American people against the nation of Iraq.  The Bush family are no heroes.

  6. I don't think president Bush carries out 9/11. It was probably some people in the FBI. BTW global warming is a lie!

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