
Who do you think could win the mens Roland Garros 2008??

by Guest65139  |  earlier

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I really want Roger Federer to win but he gets nervous playing Nadal. I did wach an interview with Federer in which he said he'd like to play Nadal again because he's been watching him play. Federer is more suited to grass though. I just hope he can pull through and win!




  1. nadal

  2. NADAL most likely as everytime FED plays NADAL, he feels his postmatch interview, he told that he is very confident on this finals but it seems that he........(referring to NADAL). NADAL'S games suits very well on clay which is difficult for ROGER. I bet NADAL to win in 4 sets.

  3. I'm a die hard FEDERER fan but Nadal is the king of clay court. The commentators have even been saying he's the best to ever play on clay. Federer needs to play his top game and after watching that interview i'm pretty comportable with him. But he can't crack under pressure againest Nadal because Nadal knows when he is nervous and will take advantage. So federer needs to play his best. I say 65 percent to Rafa and 35 to federer.

  4. Rafael Nadal won, of course!

  5. i think nadal with ease.

  6. If Roger Federer wins the French, it would be a huge achievement, but I think it's very unlikely. Nadal is the master on clay and I don't think that's going to change. Federer dominates the rest of the year and as you say, grass is his best surface and as with many other top players, he doesn't play his best at the French. I'm not a huge fan of either, but my money's on Nadal.

  7. I believe Rafa has a great chance of winning as he has great stamina hits every single ball with so much spin and power. Also as they are playing on clay and the ball bounces considerably high so if Nadal can hit it deep and high at federers one handed backhand Rafa could dominate. Although I think Federer is still a great player and if Roger can whip out is accurate and powerful forehand he could do well.

    In my opinion it will be a very close match but Federer will win.

  8. I don't particuarly like Rafael Nadal but he is the clay king. He is playing top tennis so i would have to say Nadal.

  9. Roger Federer.

  10. federer,nadal,djokovic, or monfils

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