
Who do you think deserves the Stanley Cup?

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Either team could possibly take it home, but which team is more deserving and why




  1. Detroit has played better.  They deserve it more.

  2. i want Penguins to win personally b/c i cant cheer for Detroit b/c im a chicao fan, and secondly i always pull for the underdog, and third i do like the penguins they are the number two on my list.. they ahve been really good sports about the record right now, the have a posetive attitude and they have played amzing considering who they're up against!

  3. The team who wins 4 games! They both deserve it.

    Great series it is turning out to be.

    Detroit is skillful-execute perfectly, lots of experience,  and will be tough to beat. Awesome coach.

    But Pittsbugh-they got HEART! There are surely many youngsters there who will get their name on a cup-this year or will happen!

    Let's Go Pens!

  4. I think both teams are talented enough, but Detroit has outplayed Pittsburgh this entire series and deserves the cup the most.

  5. tough to say at this point. granted the Penguins did great in the regular season + in their earlier playoff rounds, but I thought they would be intiminated by playing against a team like Detroit whose players have so much playoff experience.

  6. The team who win 4 games in the Stanley Cup final deserves the cup and not the team who lost 4 games so it is not an matter of who deserves it more based on who outplayed the other team.

    As we saw in last nights game Detroit outplayed Pittsburgh but it was Pittsburgh that tied the game with 34 seconds left in the 3rd period and Petr scored the game winner in 3OT on a 4 minute power play.

    Detroit will continue to outplay Pittsburgh in the rest of the series but if Detroit cannot outplay Pittsburgh from start to finish and Pittsburgh takes advantage, The Pens will win the Cup.

    It is still Detroit's Cup to lose but once again it's not an issue about who deserves it more, it's a question of who deserves it.

    Who deserves the Cup? The team that wins 4 games in the Stanley Cup finals.

  7. this series Red Wings have outplayed Pens in just about everyway. (the stat they show last night was shocking, 20 something shots on goal for pit, 50 something shot on goal for det)I think wings deserved to win because of it. However, if one man in Penguins uniform that deserved some prop is fleury, he kept his team in it all series.

  8. Detroit. Only because of Dan Cleary. He has a chance to be the first Newfoundlander  to win a Stanley Cup. And it's about time Newfoundland got some recognition.

    Also I've taken up his cause because my girlfriend is a Newf and that's why she wants Detroit to win, even though she's a dirty Sens fan. I'm only siding with her this time because she has the power of magically getting a headache at very inopportune times.

    Sorry. I got off on a rant there.

  9. Pens,

    you can talk stats all you want, about shots on goals, better puck handling, and this and that, but what matters is winning and staying wanting to win.  The heart pitt showed last night proves it all.  THe number one team in hockey all year couldn't put them away.

    GO PENS!!!!!

  10. i think Pittsburg b/c theyve worked hard and its a young team

  11. Both Teams are there for a reason. and yesterday Pittsburgh proved that they deserved to be there. Well in my biased opinion i can say the team that was the top seed and won the president's trophy deserves it. But at the same time, The Pens are like the underdog, so it could go either way.

  12. I think pittsburg deserves it because of the way they hussled and fought to stay in that game last night. it was just amazing!

  13. Detroit all the way. I cannot believe that game last night. What a let down :-(

  14. The way the Wings have played, they deserve it. I will give them credit.

    They've been shutting down the Pens.

    They've been using the trap very effectively.

    You Wings fans CAN'T DENY IT!.

    You are using the same Devil's system.

    SO I don't want to hear about how bad the Devils are for using the trap. You guys have used it all playoffs.

  15. PENS !!! Id love to see crosby take the cup ...hes young and has shown more poise than most other players ive even seen especially for his 3rd year of being in the NHL... not to mention the game they played lastnight....the red wings have so much more experience but the pens arent letting them take the cup without a fight !!! who ever wins will be well deserving of it !!

  16. Wings, but I think this might be a banner year.  I think that Zetterburg VS Crosbey might be like the 80s version of Bird VS Magic ( that is bball all)

  17. well i thought the red wings would close it out last night but with 37 seconds left, the pens didnt give up and thru 3 overtimes, they finally scored. i still think the red wings will win because i think they are a much deeper team but wouldnt it be fun to go 7 and they win at home.

  18. Detroit should and will win the cup this year.  They are a better team all around I mean look at how many games they won this year and they are in a much more difficult division.  They play as a team not as one individual, when the announcers talk about the wings you hear about Zetterberg, Datsyk, Lindstrom, Draper just to name a few but when they mention Pittsberg all they talk about is Crosby and he reallly isn't all that great when you look at Detroits tallent.  Their goalie can't win two more games for them that's just too much to ask.

  19. Detroit e were 36 seconds away from winning it last night we were so close i started to celebrate before the penguins scored on dumb luck

  20. Deserves got nothing to do with it.  Ask Mike Gartner.  The Red Wings are the better team though.  They should win it.

  21. i think the red wings do. They have outplayed the penguins the whole series. even thoguh it would be nice for the penguins win

  22. I want Penguins to win but I think Detroit deserves it more because they've outplayed the Pens this series

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