
Who do you think got kicked out of the finale and ufc???

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i think it was jesse talor bcuz i cant see cb or amir doing what was on the camera




  1. Jessie has to be the one out.  I can see CB or Amir getting kicked out.  They both seem to have a cool head while Jessie doesn't.

  2. Considering JT actaully URINATED on himself in front of the entire world... he's the only one I can see doing something stupid enough to get himself kicked out.

  3. Out of the people in contention to win it it is probably Taylor, but remember it does not necessarily have to be someone in contention for the finals.  Dana said "he is out of the finale and out of the UFC".  Remember that most of the people in the UFC house fight at the finale on the under card.  So while it was hyped to look like one of the finalists are being kicked off, it could really be anyone.

  4. Definitely Jesse taylor...Rumor has it that it's alcohol related (duh)-and we've seen a glimpse of his violent tendencies in the last episode especially when under the influence

  5. I read online that Amir is training for Tim Credur so it looks like Jesse Tailor is the one being kicked of the show!

  6. I completely agree. He is the only one that seems stupid enough to do something crazy.

  7. i hope its taylor cause i cant stand to watch him fight or listen to him talk.

  8. It was definitly Jesse taylor and thats a shame because him and CB would have had a sick fight

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