
Who do you think got the best out of the Manny trade? The sox, L.A, Pirates, or someone else???

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I personally think the Yankees got the best out of this trade because Manny tortured the Yanks for years and now, ironically its Torre's problem (again). Not to mention it makes Boston a weaker team with out half of their dynamic duo between Manny and Ortiz. Which in my opinion will make them not make the playoffs.




  1. The sox manny is a better hitter than bay but bay will hustle down the line, he will actually field the ball instead of falling on it!

  2. THE DODGERS, enough said.

  3. Oh please the yankees still have plenty to me worried with red sox lineup.

    priates got the best deal as the good craig hasson (sturggle) than brandon moss who hasnt played for awhile.

  4. I like how the Cubs didn't give up their higher level of prospects but were still able to get a solid starter and a good reliever.

  5. the dodgers, without a doubt

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