
Who do you think is better - Tiger Woods or Jack Nicklaus?

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Who do you think is better - Tiger Woods or Jack Nicklaus?




  1. You cant tell. Nicklaus had a ton of great players playing against him. Legendary players playing against him. Tiger has no one, but tiger is hurt, so its imposible to tell. But, if phil can stop being sloppy, and anthony kim comes up, like everyone thinks he will, and be great, we will see if tiger is better than nicklaus

  2. Tiger makes it look like he has no competition because he is that much better than the field.  Trust me, without him, Ernie would have 5 or 6 majors and Phil would have 5 or 6 and Vijay would have 5 or 6.  When Jack played there were twenty people who could win.  Tiger plays against a field of 150 that can all win.

  3. This has been asked and answered before. Until the day that Tiger Woods surpasses the records set by Jack Nicklaus, both in major victories and near misses as well as a rather lengthy career, we have to stick with Nicklaus. Jack Nicklaus dominated his era. Tiger Woods is dominating this era. The chapter has yet to be written, but the outline seems almost conclusive.

  4. Go Tiger!!!!!!!!!

  5. Well, I am a huge Jack Nicklaus fan, but barring injuries Tiger will have to be considered better before too long.  I just think that the difference between the two isn't as much as many people think.  Jack has some pretty spectacular numbers himself.  As I have said before, if Jack played against competition that wilted like some of Tiger's has, he probably would have won over 30 majors considering he won 18 and finished second in 19.  So with that in mind I expect Tiger to probably win over 30 majors before he calls it a career.  

    People keep talking about how amazing the competition is now days, well, why arent any of these 100's of great players pulling off any miracle shots against Tiger like Trevino, Watson and many others did to beat Jack?

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