
Who do you think is cruel and heartless men or women?

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In a majority or people, who do you think is more cruel or heartless men or woman?




  1. Men can use violence more readily, but they will die for a cause they believe in.  

    Women are more causal in their fights but are ingrained with a survival instinct (a child-rearing response?) and are thereby more devious by nature and would perform any number of atrocities in order to survive.  

    No upstanding crusader would abandon his faith for his life, but a mother might allow their daughter to be raped for the chance at a better tomorrow.  Ouch.

    Take modern relationships, in general, how many males do you know who hit their head against a rock of a woman over and over for what they think is love.  Now think of the number of women you've heard tell the story of "I loved him but I had to leave"

    Men= Suicidal loyalty.

    Women=Survival at all costs.

  2. All of the human race can be heartless at times.

  3. Of course both can be, but I think Women can be more cruel and vindictive.

  4. Both can be the same.

  5. All people can be cruel people, but most dictators were men.

  6. Of course both can be cruel and heartless. However men can be more straight forward with thier cruelity and women seem to try more of the "Mental" type games.

       Example Guy breaks up with girl, girl does not beleive the guys reason for the breakup.

    ME  "Mary Ann maybe we should slow down with the drinking I'm having a hard time waking up for my 8 A.M. Class"

       Mary Ann (not her real name ... maybe it was)

               "You don't love me you want to see other girls!"

       Me  "I don't want to see other girls I want you... I just need to get home before 12 AM so I can be up and sober for my 8 AM class"

        Mary Ann " No you are seeing someone else! Who is the ****?"

        Me "Okay... (Here is the straight forward lie....well maybe we hooked up once) I'm seeing your younger , hotter sister"

        Mary Ann " I'm Pregnant"  A lie but she got me to stick around for 2 and 1/2 more weeks

        They were both nut jobs......

  7. I would say that men are heartless because they can be rotten to women (or other men) and move on with no remorse or concern for the consequences of their actions.

    Women are can be outright cruel.  A woman can  become a vindictive, wicked creature who's existence is to make someone miserable and give no definite reason as to why.

    My views are based on specific, individual men and women I have known in my personal life and social life with friends and specific situations.  In no way do I label all men as heartless or all women as cruel because most people are all easy to get along with.....

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