
Who do you think is going to win? Obama or Mccain?

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Also do you think Mccain, and Obama's choice for VP was reasonable?




  1. McCain...please let it be McCain! And I don't think Palin was a bad choice. She is young, female and still conservative enough to appeal to most of us Republicans. She turned in people she caught cheating...we could do worse!

  2. McCain and excellent choice for VP....has my vote!

  3. It is very hard to predict who will win and I do believe that it will be a victory by a very slight margin for whoever wins(that was the case when JFK got elected president).  It is my hope that Obama will win this one---we absolutely need this man to bring about a change in this country---not only in Washington, but in this country.  Obama gets treated with respect all over the world but americans like to put him down as a no-good person because he is black.  The change we need is so fundamental that it cannot be compared to anything else---along with that kind of change comes a healing and with healing comes the rest--true justice, true equality, the works.  This can only be accomplished by putting an educated black person in the white house, one who knows both worlds(black and white), one who knows what it means to have to stretch the pennies, one who knows what it is like to be underinsured or not insured at all(his mother died of cancer, she was under insured).  One who knows that this country needs not only an economy fix, and a corporate tax overhaul and an education overhaul, but one who also knows what people in this country really need, what they truly are about.  McCain is totally out of touch with that, and frankly, I do not care about whom he chose for VP.  He chose a woman because he hopes to get the female voters on his side and ignorance can actually do that.  As far as Obama's choice goes had I hoped that it would be Hillary Clinton, but you know what?  I think Biden is a pretty good choice as well.  

    OBAMA 08

  4. McCain.  Most Americans aren't ready for the kind of "change" that Obama's tax increases will bring.  I think that both picks for v.p.s are reasonable.  Obama desperately needs somebody with experience and McCain needs somebody to appeal to women and the conservatives.

  5. McCain of course!!!!!! about palin was a great choice, Palin is a treu change

  6. Obamanation and yes it was reasonable

  7. Again, Judgment.

    Clearly Senator Obama made an excellent choice.

    Senator Mc Cain is just joking right?


  8. I think McCain is going to win.

  9. I think McCain sealed the deal by picking his VP who is not contaminated by the DC syndrome.  Obama picked someone He hoped could give the campaign some qualifications but he forgot Biden is more over the hill than McCain, not to mention Biden's involvement with his son taking money from credit card companies for having Biden s***w consumers with the bankruptcy changes.

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