
Who do you think is going to win(president)?

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Who do you think is going to win(president)?




  1. I personally wouldn't mind if either of them didn't. I'm not too fond of either candidate and I would love to see someone who was morally sound run for president, not just someone who will give an answer based on audience instead of personal standing.

  2. McCain-- Obama scares too many of us into thinking the world really is going to h**l.

  3. "He has a great personality and he is very nice."

    our presidential race is not a miss america pageant.

  4. I'm not American but I think Obama is going to win.

    He has a great personality and he is very nice.

  5. Obama.

    I vote for nobody.

  6. I think when Obama picked Biden for his VP he sealed his fate.  He may be a senator on Nov. 5 but he will not be the President-elect.  We will be welcoming President-elect John McCain.

  7. The American voting public are not ready to elect a black man to be the President of the United States.

  8. I think McCain will.  Not because he is the best candidate, but because:

    he is a white guy as were all other Presidents of this country

    he doesn't have Muslimlike name which is being used against him as propaganda.

    he doesn't have dozens of chain emails that are filled with lies circulating about him.

    he is not a Republican.  Republicans are famous for only voting for Republicans.

  9. McCain

    Vote for a winner vote McCain

  10. propobly obama.  thatd really suck though.

  11. This year they both suck!

  12. Obama will definately win.

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