
Who do you think is the best heroscape figure?

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I am trying to get some good figures for heroscape and I was hoping I could get some good sugestions. Please state the figure and the set you got it from and why you like it if you wish. My favorite is the hulk so far. I got from the marvle set. I like him because he gets plus 1 attack for every damage he takes up to five plus attack.




  1. my favorites these days are alistair macdirk and the macdirk warriors: alistair is a 6 life human champion with move/attack/defense of 5/5/3 and the overextend ability- once per turn he can take a wound and take another turn. the macdirk warriors are a 4 figure squad 5/2/2 and human champion bonding (a human champion can take a free turn each time before they take theirs) and highland fury (pick a human champion- the warriors get +1 attack for every wound on the champion as long as it is in the game)...

    lead with alistair, overextend a few times, to build up some wounds, then pull him back out of danger- if you get 4-5 wounds on him, the 4 macdirk warriors all have an attack of 6-7 each... if it works right it is devastating! and between the two cards only 190 points!

    and they wear KILTS!

  2. virgo.

    oh heroscape i thot u sed horoscope! LOL

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