
Who do you think is the best radio announcer in baseball

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i happen to think that bob uecker is the best of all time




  1. Pat hughes or Uecker

  2. Scott Franskie

  3. Bob Uecker or Steve Stone

  4. Skip Caray RIP

    It seems like a lot of funny men are dying...Bernie Mac, George Carlin, Issac Hayes, and Skip Caray.


  5. I've only listened to Marty Brennaman from the Reds radio shows so that's my pick. On TV it's different.

  6. all time, Bob Uecker, Red Barber and Mel Allen

    currently Eric Nadel Texas Rangers

  7. The late BIll King

    "Holy Toledo!"

  8. for many years i've traveled all over the country, and lived in more than 10 states.  i've listened to so many play-by-play guys, and so many are great, really enjoyable.

    for my money, though, it is clear and without any argument possible.  marty brennaman of the reds is the absolute, all-time best.  he calls every play so that, even without video, you see it in your mind.  his home run calls are fantastic.  his commentary on the reds is incisive, complimentary where warranted, and equally tough on what is not so good.  additionally, more than anyone else, he's always up to date on every player on the opposing teams, gives them great coverage and makes the fans aware of just who each one is, his status, his abilities, everything.

    to contrast, there have been some much less accomplished, and in my opinion the one guy who rose to such prominence and was absolutely horrible in the booth was jack buck.  he never did much of anything mentioned above for marty brennaman, and buck so often couldn't even call a player's name, even when the guy played for the cardinals.

    brennaman...yeah, the best, head, shoulders, ankles and toenails

  9. LA's Vin Sculley.

    The other announcers that are mentioned are also sensational.

  10. Ernie Harwell, its just amazing to listen to him.  

  11. "Braun to left and deep, HEEYYYY! GET UP, GET UP, GET OUTTA HERE, GOOOONNNNEEEE! For Ryan Braun!!!"-Bob Uecker many times in the last two years.

    I would say he's the best of all time, but probably for the same reason Yankees fans think Jeter is the best shortstop of all time: I've never heard much anyone else good.

    Not to sound like Rocco, but Ron Santo is a pretty bad announcer.

  12. Bob Uecker, he's just sooooo funny. lol

  13. Ed Farmer and Steve Stone are great. I listen to them everytime a Whitesox game is on. They predict so much, they NEVER loose hope, and theyre funny as h**l.

    "Whitesox with a Runaway Victory."     "Verlander pitching for detroit looking for his 8th loss."    And theres so much much much more stuff they say and its all 10 times funnier. Theyre


    And they put so much excitement into the game. "SWING AND A BOMB TO RIGHT FIELD, THOMES GONNA JOIN THE 500 CLUB!"  "The twins have a chance to break this game wide open.. Yea i think If Vasquez would through a backdoor slider he can send the whitesox to the 10th and to score some runs..    BACK DOOR SLIDER! HE STURCK HIM OUT THE WHITESOX ARE GOING TO THE 10TH."

    "And the whitesox are down to their last strike with the tying run on 1st base. Swing and a long one to left Maggs is chacing it down! Hes at the wall hes at the fence.. GONE! ITS A HOMERUN AND THE WHITESOX LEAD 6-5. DYE IS LEAPING AROUND THE BASES."

    And theres so much more.

  14. I love Uecker...he's at the top of the list.

    I'm about as anti-Cubs as you can get, but I have to give the not to Ron Santo. You'll never hear anybody pour more genuine emotion into calling a game. Every play literally affects his life and every game is an emotional roller coaster. He's probably the reason It'd be neat for the Cubs to finally win the WS....but I'd fear for what the excitement would to to him....but he deserves to see it in his lifetime.

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