
Who do you think is the dumbest person in the world?

by  |  earlier

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And why???




  1. Bill Gates : He makes Mircosoft Programs they don't work right the 1st time so he got to go back and fix the problems then you have to have all the updates and still it doesn't  work right..

  2. jessica simpson -- because when she was on oprah she did nt know what chicken of the sea tuna was

    carrot top- he is a grown man running around with a name like that... plus ever hear the guy answer a question Whoosh

  3. You, just cuz.

  4. Guess what?

    Brittany Spears just dropped to second place!

  5. My friend, who's currently in the room with me, watching me type this and not doing anything.

  6. I know this 15 year old girl whos parents have alot of money  she is is going out with a 26 year old guy who only uses her for s*x and money. On top of that he is not that great looking. She says she is in love with him but he cheats on her and calls her names and every time they break up she'll go back to him like a d.u.m.b.a.s.s and he rapes her. I try and talk her outr of it and I even told her parents now she is hiidng it from them and sneaking off to go be used by him. She used to be my best friend until this idiot came along now she has no friends it makes me mad that she is disrespecting her self that way and I cant even help her! Therefore she is the dumbest person in the world!!

  7. not sure but i think i've read some of their responses on answers

  8. ummm, that would be "Britney"

  9. Hmm.

    The dumbest person in the world would have to be Bob.

  10. you for asking this question.

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