
Who do you think is the greatest woman in history? Why?

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Greatest woman..... any occupation..... Artist, teacher, religon, any others




  1. I like Jean of Arc, just because there haven't been too many women in history who single-handedly led a revolution and won many victories in battle.

    That role has traditionally be dominated by men; for a women to accomplish this, it's a landmark, it shows the difference and gap between the sexes is smaller than we think and given the right encouragement & freedom women too can fight and lead and carry out roles men always ridicule us in.

    Were not just born to be cooks, mothers and maids.

  2. Marie Curie - 1867-1934 Fields - Physics / chemistry. I read some of her work, good stuff.

  3. joan of arc. for as young as she was, she had great courage.

  4. george w bush

  5. Annie Oakely- overcame EXTREME adversity; had super-human talent; lived her life with great courage & fortitude

  6. Helen Keller/ Corazon Aquino

  7. I'd say the average woman.  Why?  Cause they had the patience to put up with us guys! And they are underrated...

    Great question.

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