
Who do you think is the most oppressed race in the human species?

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It can also be refering to nationality and ethnicity.




  1. The pygmies, because they are oppressed by the nearby black African tribes, and have been forced to hunt for them for centuries. Black brotherhood doesn't seem to be popular in Africa, it seems. They are often massacring & oppressing each other. The Kurds & Jews, Armenians, American native peoples, and aboriginal Australians are also worth mentioning. But what of black African women, who, in some tribes, are forced to do all the work, carry the water long distances, and then prepare the meals, while the men sit around discussing "important matters", or the "untouchable" caste in India, or the Fah Lun Gung sect in China, who are executed, and their organs sold to rich foreigners!

  2. All nations will rise against Israel but Jesus will come in the sky to save her.

    People get made b/c the Jews are the 'choosen ones' but Jesus makes it clear 'God is no respecter of persons'.

    Some say the Jews killed Jesus when Jesus said 'No on can take My Life-I lay it down of My own free will'.

  3. Ex-husbands who are fathers, in the US.

  4. Culturally speaking, I'm going to go with Africa. It's a huge continent with a enormous population, and it seems most of its residents aren't faring very well. In addition to disease and famine, Africans have to worry about genocide. Africa has the largest AIDS population in the world (per capita). Not a good place to be. I hope things turn around for the better in Africa very soon.

  5. jews are. research it and be surprised. They are the ones that ran the slave trade from africa. They killed 10 million people for stalin in the gulags.

  6. its GOT to be the sudanese

  7. The people of Carthage, because they aren't and haven't been fora very long time.

  8. i think it's these little people called pygmies , they are really short and I think that they get take advantage of alot and not thought by some to be as equal just cuz they are shorter

  9. I think no-one on the planet should be able to claim that he deserves more attention than another because he is more 'oppressed'.

    Your entire question tends to set one group of people apart and give them the status of 'the ultimate victims'.

    And it's total and utter nonsense, because people should be judged on their individual status and not on their membership of a group who is found to be 'more oppressed' than another group.

    It can only lead to people claiming rights to handouts and freebies because they are oppressed.

  10. Not anyone in any modern country. Some groups of people in various places across the world like Darfur perhaps.

  11. The Kurds are up there, I'm sure.

  12. Why should such things even matter. I can't see how this information would be relevant on any scale. I think there comes a point where we need to stop identifying ourselves as a race and more as individuals.

    As places are becoming more diverse and accepting to cultural ideals we will not have to slave to the ideal that our heritage dictates our disposition. The only people that will see validity in racial oppression are the ones who dignify prejudice.

  13. Take your pick:

    US native American indians,

    Canadian native Americans

    Mexican native indians in Mexico,



    Africans (by other African tribes)

    South African natives (by Euros)

    Aboriginies in Australia,

    Irish, by English,

    All women in Muslim controlled nations,

    That is a start, in reality just about every nationality and ethnic group has been oppressed by another at one time on this earth.

  14. South Africa HELLO they need help- u gonna donate?

  15. The aborgines of New Zealand and Austrlia.  They were almost wiped out by disease and Britsh arrogance.  Their civilazation was old when the Britsh were still moving across the channel.  Their culture was completed destroyed in New Zealand.  It is easy to forget them.  Probably second was the North and South American Natives.  Entire cultures destroyed.  People not allowed to speak their own language or to worship as they choose.  So much for the land of religious freedom.

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