
Who do you think is the most talanted fantasy author in the world?

by Guest66501  |  earlier

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Who do you think is the most talanted fantasy author in the world?




  1. Tolkien!

  2. Neil Gaiman

  3. Madeline L'engle or LIBBA BRAY!  <3333

  4. Big hint:  his initials were J. R, R,T.

  5. J.K Rowling ALL THE WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... I LOVE Harry Potter!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :):):)

  6. Tolkein and H.P. Lovecraft

  7. Peter S. Beagle.

  8. Ooooh, that is tough!

    Anne McAffrey isn't really "fnatasy" she leans more sci fi

    Piers Anthony, kind of the same.

    I'm a fan of Robert Jordan but he's got his issues too.

    I hate to say Tolkein because LOTR is kind of hard to read, but it is a brilliant story.

    I guess I"ll have to throw my vote for David Eddings (with Leigh). Kind of a dart throw vote though!  

  9. Stephanie Meyer, hands down

  10. stephanie meyer!!!!!!! twilight is amazing!!

    jk rowling is great too, and so is cs lewis!!! :)

    i love them all

  11. JK Rowling or the HG Wells.

  12. ME!


  13. Diana Wynne Jones

    and i agree with Michelle :)

  14. C.S. Lewis!!!!!! Narnia was amazing!!!

  15. JRR Tolkien for sure (LORD OF THE RINGS)...he created a very detailed, very realistic fantasy world, including invented LANGUAGES. The guy is crazy genius.

  16. Stephenie Meyer *all the way*!!!!!!!  I LOVE THE TWILIGHT SAGA AND THE HOST!!!  THE TWILIGHT SAGA ARE THE BEST BOOKS EVER!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. j.k rowling one of the best sellers or shakespear he is famous too

  18. The most "talented" author would have to be Madeleine L'Engle. God rest her soul.

  19. At present, they're all rather mediocre.  There were some d**n good ones in the past...

  20. If Stephenie Meyer counts, then SM ALL THE WAY!

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