
Who do you think is to blame for princess Diana's death?

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I am Intrested to hear what you think about princess Diana's death! Who is to blame? Is bring her case up hurting prince William and prince Harry? Was there really something dirty going on? and if so who do you think was behind it?

It has been so long and she was such a lovely person, I remembered my Aunty crying when she passed it was so sad, she did so many good things for others!





  2. it was the drivers falt for driving so fast in the first place... i know that the pap was after them but the driver didnt need to drive that fast...

  3. She is to blame for not wearing a seat belt, she died in an accident where she would have survived if she had simply buckled up  :-(

    There is speculation that it was the driver and photographers.

  4. they say she was not wearing a seat belt, her driver was druck drivning very fast trying to get away for camara flashes, thoses are key points, i wish the best for her sons who lost there mother

  5. papparazzi- they were chasing the car she and dodi were riding in and what the drunk limo driver did to escape from the cameras resulted in their deaths. paparazzi cause a lot of chaos anymore but they still do whatever they please regardless of the violation of privacy

  6. Mohamed Al Fayed.  He made all the decisions that night denying the proper number of security staff, demanding Henry Paul drove the car, demanding the wrong car be used etc. etc.

    All his calls that it was murder are just covering up his guilt!!!

  7. The assassin

  8. I remember seeing a video that my brother had, which was a female that was hired by the royal family, who told what went on behind closed doors. As of  the "secret" that Princess Di knew and would have exposed about the "family" was one of the reasons she was killed. At least God judges in the end and they will have to stand before him also and be judged.

  9. I think the primary blame goes to the tabloid industry -- because if you do the things they do, things like this will happen from time to time -- and to all the people out there who read tabloids and watch the "entertainment"-tabloid tv shows (for the same reason).

    If there were no tabloids, and there were no soulless, shallow people who get off on tabloids, then she would not have died that night.

    Edit: didn't know she was not wearing a seat belt, so she certainly shares blame as well, as does the driver if he was actually drunk.

  10. The driver, who was drunk,the paparazzi,who chased the car at high speeds,and Dodi Fayed,who encouraged Paul to drive recklessy are all to blame. Diana also contributed to her death by not wearing her seat belt. There was no conspiracy.

  11. Think about it. The Queen would not want Diana married to a Muslim and be the mother of the future King of England with a Muslim in the family. This wouldn't be the first time a Queen had people summarily dispatched out of concern to keep the Monarchy intact and "pure." Victoria knew and condoned the Ripper murders which were carried out by her own physician, Sir William Gull to preserve the then shaky state of the Monarchy when she discovered her grandson, Albert Victor, had married in secret and father a child with a prostitute and the prossies who witnessed the wedding were all killed to silence them when they tried to blackmail the Queen, all were killed according to Masonic ritual and all were Masons who were involved in this. Gull had the woman confined to a hospital for the insane and performed a primitive lobotomy on her rendering her incapable of telling anyone what had happened and Gull himself suffered a series of strokes and was himself confined to the same hospital for the insane.

  12. She would be alive today if the limo driver had been sober and the paparazzi had simply gone away.  What a shame!

  13. A drunk driver being followed by a bunch of idiotic photographers.........

  14. Diana, for not putting her seat belt on

  15. Its so hard to say, there were so many variables and so many unknowns. Henry Paul, the driver was drunk and speeding. The paparazzi were chasing them. And what about the mysterious white Fiat that supposedly struck the car?

    I fell that there was something going on. I think the government didn't want a Princess associating with and possibly marrying a Muslim man.

    And yes, I think the continued attention disturbs her sons. Prince William said as much during a press conference a few years ago.

  16. The only person with clear legal culpability is the driver, who was drunk.  While the paparazzi might have some moral responsibility, it's hardly the first time she was ever chased by photographers, and a skilled driver can elude them without causing an accident.

    If anyone arranged the accident (which I highly doubt), it is far more likely to be Dodi's father.  Murdering 'unsuitable' romantic interests is a Muslim custom, not a British one.  Every inquest and investigation so far has reached the same conclusion - it was a tragic accident.

  17. i think her ex husband was in on a plot to have her killed :(

  18. It was her own and Dodi's fault.

    1: They decided on the whole dumb idea of making a dramatic dash out the back way - against their own security procedures and their men's advice - which was bound to bring the paps howling in pursuit.

    2: They dragged poor Henri Paul away from his evening off and demanded that he drive them. You can't blame him for having had a few drinks by then. He was off duty and not expecting to have to drive again (and wouldn't working for the Fayeds drive anybody to drink?). Nor can you really blame him for agreeing to drive when ordered; it's clear that nobody in that set-up who said no to the boss or his son would have a job the next day.

    3. Then they failed to fasten their seat-belts.

    None of that is anybody's fault but their own.

  19. If anyone can be blamed it would be a combination of the specific paparazzi who chased the limo, and the driver of the limo, who made an error in overcorrection while speeding though a tunnel (which is pretty hazardous).  Poor judgement.

    It was a horrible, tragic accident.   But I wish that once a court has made a ruling on such things,, that people could just let things rest.  I, too, was very saddened to lose her, because she was a special person.

  20. I still think there's something fishy, here.

    Just like I still don't agree with the lone assasin theory in the JFK murder.

  21. her............not wearing a seat belt

  22. No one except her fair & nice attitude

  23. I believe the Royal family want to just have peace from all this.. it was Mr Al Fahyed.. Dodi's father who made the ball roll again.. Princess Diana's and Dodi Al Fahyed's deaths are due to the driver having been drunk and speeing way above the limit.. it is not the Royal family who constantly bring up that issue again.. they want Diana to rest in peace...they believe in this verdict.. Mr Al Fahyed cannot believe there was not a big conspiracy to have both his son and Diana killed so he goes to court all the time and rakes the story up again.. the paparazzi did follow them but they are not really responsible for the was drunk driving and speeding that killed them.. Prince William and Prince Harry are over 20 both of them I believe they can handle it.. they just wish it would be well left alone...for their mothers memory...


  24. The driver and her security team.

  25. Her drunk limo driver.

    And partly her for not wearing a seatbelt.

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