
Who do you think is to blame for "Child Toy Crazes"?

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I have to give a speech on who is to blame for child toy crazes and I was just taking a poll to see what other people have to say.




  1. Honestly, advertising media, and the company itself who has to advertise.

    So, the marketing department...............

  2. Well I don't know what you really mean by that. I'm a teenager and ever since I was little I collected bratz. It's my hobby. I have 85 in total but I wouldn't say I "craze"  them. I just like to collect them and if I see a good deal, I get it.

    I don't really think anyone would be responsible for children crazing toys. I don't think it would be the parents fault that much, because even if they do or don't buy the child the toy, that isn't going to control wether the child is still interested in the toy or not.

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