
Who do you think is/was the greatest fighter??

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If you say Chuck Norris I'll kick yor @***!!!

Unless you are Chuck Norris!




  1. Fedor is the best of all time.  

  2. Individual Armed:

    Miyamoto Musashi

    Individual Hand to Hand

    Bruce Lee

    Strategic Leadership

    Sun Tzu

    Tactical Field Command

    George S. Patton

    Erwin Rommel

    Fighting depends to an extent on context, and in these areas, I listed the person(s) that I thought were the best examples of excellence at their craft.

    Hard to say though because history didn't and never will allow direct comparison enough to say...

    Perhaps Sun Tzu would have been better at field command than Rommel and perhaps Musashi would have been better at hand to hand than Bruce Lee...

    We'll never know more than what history tells us.

  3. I'll stick with "Sampson" the dude from the bible that walked around fighting with the jaw bone of a mule in his hand.  Also I'll take "King David" because he killed his 10's of thousands in battle as well.  Then again there were alot of top notch samurai that the Japanese still consider heros to this very day so they were all among the greatest fighters ever.  

    Not looking for best answer this is just my own opinion dude.

  4. chuck norris! now kick my ***.

  5. Hello guys,

    In my opinion the best fighter all over the world is one and is Bruce Lee. Full of techniques and full of power! B r u c e The King of Martial Arts! Wing Chun and Jeet Kune Do the best martial arts!

    I found a web page about Jeet Kune Do,

    and about wing chun,

  6. Either myself of Frank Dux. At this point probably Frank Dux since he was admitted to the triad kumite's. I'm trying to get in but its hard to get connected.

  7. I think bruce lee.Chuck norris is an a$$hole.

  8. Muhammad Ali. He won his fights with his mind.

  9. rickson gracie

  10. OK I won't say Chuck Norris.

    How about any one of the 300 Spartins who held off thousands of Persian soldiers using only short swords and spears.

  11. I would have to say Fedor. He's a bad man!  

  12. Mas Oyama.


    Miyamoto Musashi

    Yoshiji Soeno

    Fedor Emelianenko

    That's just a few.......

  13. bruce lee...and if not him, his best student......who? Chuck Norris

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