
Who do you think is worst driver in your mind?

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I think it a mix of everyone. We call can do better.

1. women/without/with on cell phones

2. men/w/without on cell phones

3. teenagers

4. old folks




  1. Fat soccer moms in minivans on cell phones, they are SO lucky murder is illegal!

  2. I've seen some real morons, people reading the paper and eating breakfast while driving to work. I seen a guy back up on the freeway because he missed his exit. They are all the worst drivers. So I've narrowed it down to any jerk that doesn't take the responsibility seriously when they get behind the wheel, everyone is capable of being the worst drivers out there at any time, but the true worst drivers are dead or have killed someone, it's a serious matter and I wish people would stop thinking it's their right to drive like an aas when other people's lives are also in danger because of their carelessness.

  3. my friend Dorcas, with a close second running with my friend Cindy!  Neither of whom use a cell phone while driving, sad to say...  

    I believe all cellphone use should be outlawed while driving.  It's dangerous.  The part of the brain used for talking on the phone, and for driving, are the same.  You cant' safely do them both.  If you don't believe that just check the statistics...  

    There has been alot of attention from hospitals and doctors offices regarding accidents due to text-messaging.  Seems as people walk along, and text at the same time, they walk into walls, traffic, and just about anything else that gets in their path.  That should be proof enough that it's dangerous to talk or text while doing other things.  You can't concentrate on talking/texting and do anything else efficently.    

  4. i think men ages 18-35 are the worst drivers! They seem to always want to rush to their destination and drive so fast.  

  5. I live in SaudiArabia..

    and I say.. ANYONE on the road here is the worst driver..

    Sadly we are rated #2 worst traffic in the world.. I think either Mexico or Egypt or India might be right up there with us...

    its men with cell phones, without cell phones.. teens, old geezers, and foreigners who dont know the rules here, and just about any other doofus that gets out there...  

  6. next?  OH yeah, I agree so much!  They are the first to blame other drivers for driving poorly, and the most likely to almost kill someone else and blame them.  Self-righteousness on wheels.

    Mind you, I have been in five accidents in the last three yrears: all old people who should have taken down their shingle years ago.  Last one had a coronary and died at the scene and his 70+ year old daughter then clamied that I had murdered him and his estate was not responsible for the damage.  He drove through a red light and hit me as I turned right (legally).  God bless insurance!

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