
Who do you think its better to leave your kids, with , when you and your spouse go for a holiday?Someone..?

by  |  earlier

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you are more comfortable with ? or someone where you think the "kids" will feel more comfort?

( twins aged 3 )

PS>I prefer my parents , but deep inside I feel my kids will feel more at home with my mom in law . And not miss me or their father with her.

Even with my mom dad they'll be happy.I'll be relaxed but again the kids might miss us more..




  1. Why would you go on "Holiday" WITHOUT your twin 3 year olds?????

    They are babies, they need their parents.

    My parents adopted my brother when he was 1 month old. Then a week later they "Holidayed" in Europe for three weeks. They were very upset that my brother and I did not have any idea who they were when they returned. Gee, I wonder why. I imagine you will be rushing them off to preschool/daycare, etc soon... God forbid you raise your children yourself.

  2. im not sure of why one is better than the other but i am assuming that mabey the in-laws are more child orientated? mabey do more child things and can relate better? that is why they are more comfortable? if so i would leave them there. they probably would miss you less if they were occupied. if it is a safe enviroment and you trust them regardless, leave them with the can call everyday if you want to.

    my parents are divorced. if i left my kids with my dad they would become bored quicker and less occupied because they are the type that are travelers and they do their own thing (which is great!) if i left them with my mom, she would stop the world to spend the week with her grandkids. play games, buy snacks, go to lunch etc. im only assuming this is close to what you are saying. my dads household is more reserved and quiet, my moms is not.

    btw-try not to listen to people on here that are against vacationing with your hubby. you need that quality time with him. and personally, your 3 year olds will not remember you leaving anyway, and even if you did take them and spent an extra $1000, they wouldn't remember the trip most likely!! you will come home refreshed and less stressed (even if you are not, you will see the difference) i would do it if i could right now!!

  3. well for there any reason why you prefer your parents over the inlaws? if there is a reason you wouldnt feel very comfy leaving them with inlaws then go with your parents. but if its just your preference then id say let them stay with whomever they are most comfy with. its hard to be away from your parents at that age and if they are having fun and not missing you constantly it will be easier for everyone involved.  

  4. Well I haven't been alone with my husband in forever, more than two years, but I would say your parents since there will be two for two.

  5. Both if possible! :)

    It’s important, probably MOST important, the kids feel comfortable with whomever I leave them with. BUT, I have to be okay with it. Know they’re being taken care of, tucked in at night, eating properly, brushing their teeth, and boo boos kissed. All the things Mommy/Daddy are supposed to do, we gotta have a back up plan.

    It’s hard finding someone that’s trustworthy and good to your kids. Family is great but many times they don’t live close enough. My sister is moving away and I’m heartbroken over it. Not only will I miss her dearly, my son will too. She’s OUR back up babysitter.

    ** ADD **

    How dare you want to take time for yourselves? A vacation when you probably haven't had one in 3 yrs?'re horrible parents for wanting to find that spark in your marriage again. Gosh, how can you do such a thing?

  6. When my husband and I went on our anniversary trip (the first and only time we have any time away together) we decided to have my dad watch the kids for a day and a half and my husbands parents watch them the other day and a half.  We did that because I felt the kids would have more fun at my dads but I was more relaxed knowing they were with my in laws.. (hard to explain why I felt that way).  This also made both sets of grandparents happy because they knew we trusted them and they had one on one time with the kids.  My kids were 10, 2, and 6 months - they didnt have any problems with the transfer of grandparents.  If I had to choose one of them only, I would have chose my inlaws.  My kids would still have had a great time and I wouldnt have been so worried. Hope this helps some.

    And enjoy your much needed time alone with your hubby.. kids are very important but so is your marriage.  Kids usually love getting spoiled by grandparents so I bet they wont miss you as much as you think :)

    I agree completely with Mommyto2inFL.. loved the add on.  I cant believe other mommies out there would attack another mom for wanting to spend some much needed one on one time with her spouse.

  7. I myself leave my kids with my mother or mother in law. they seem to really love their grandmothers.  

  8. I totally understand this one... My son spends more time with my husband's parents, therefore he is more comfortable there, plus he is totally spoiled. Their living room looks more like a child's playroom than a family room.

    He sees my parents often too but just for short periods of time. So when we go somewhere for a long period of time we leave him with his parents even though I feel like I trust mine more...

    I would leave them where they are more likely to be comfortable and happy because when you are gone really all you are gonna wonder constantly is what are they doing, feeling, and are they having fun, etc...

    Good Luck

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