
Who do you think killed the Electric Car? Why?

by Guest32637  |  earlier

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Who do you think killed the Electric Car? Why?




  1. the petrol companies cant make any money

  2. The public did, they didn’t buy enough of them to make it worth while to produce them. The auto companies lost a lot of money on electric cars, people don’t want a car where they have to wait for hours while you “fill” it. So they didn’t buy them, and the auto companies quit making them.

  3. The old models required lots of batteries, made the vehicles heavy and therefore unpractical. Moreover they were expensive. It would probably take an Asian country with cheap labour and which has already produced electric bikes and motor-cycles to make successful electric cars. This is what the world is waiting for -- a convenient mode of transport using clean energy. Even if it seats 2 - 4 persons.

  4. the free market. why would you drive a car with relatively low performance when it only saves you 2/3 off you fuel bill.

    once the economics of mass production were taken out of the equation GM could no longer afford to provide parts for these cars so they had to be scraped.

  5. The death of the electric car? Its not dead, its very much alive, HOWEVER, its as significant as finishing in the middle of your class in school. All of the answers thus far are great and valid. So let me pontificate on it a little further.

      Because of the heightened sense of awareness to global warming and the environmental issues of the world, the movers and shakers in the realm of the electric car know that they have to do something that resembles action in providing an alternative to the combustion engines. Think for a moment what the impact of a fuel free, emissions free, efficient automobile would do to our world. Astounding, correct? Now consider what impact it would have on 1. The auto industry 2. The oil industry 3. The government(taxes lost on fuel). Lets think on these for a moment. 1. The auto industry has billions of cars/trucks/suvs on the market and in circulation that they would lose billions of dollars on. So they will not be in any hurry to come up with a car that will hurt their bottom line. 2. The oil industry will lose god knows how much if all the autos stopped using their products, so thats a no brainer. 3. The government will lose trillions in lost taxes on oil and gas as well as all the fees and taxes for the companies that provide the materials. I could ramble on for infinity(no pun intended) but you should have the answer by now.

  6. The market, relatively cheap gasoline, and battery technology.  People wouldn't buy the original cars at the price that they would have sold for.  

    The present day situation is different, and the car companies are starting to produce new and better electric cars.

  7. The American consumer who wants gigantic SUVs that can drive across arctic tundra and muscle cars that have 650 HP engines.... If all of us demanded electric cars, they would make them. Its our own fault.

  8. hey you know something thats a movie

    but to the point the killer of the electric car is the government and the big greedy oil companies that want money. Also it was us because nobody bought it because it was too expensive and most of these cars are sold and bought in California. Which is where all the rich and famous people are who "supposedly"  care about the environment

  9. The government. Pressured by the Oil companies. Killed because of profit. Killed because of money. Killed because of greed.

    That simple.

  10. High prices, limited performance, and low range.  Gas was under a $1 back then.  It was cheap to drive a SUV that got 12 mpg.

    GM and Toyota both tried and realized it was a losing battle and quit.  Everybody ignores Toyota quiting and only blames GM though.

  11. The oil companies didn't want the competition. They don't care about our environment, only their profits.

  12. I heard that Hillary Clinton assasinated it.

    I wouldn't have believed it, but it was reported on Fox News and they would never make someone up about Hillary Clinton.

  13. It was burned by an over voltage.

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