
Who do you think (men or women) have the highest s*x drives?

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Who do you think (men or women) have the highest s*x drives?




  1. Depends on the person.  I know some guys that are raging s*x-aholics, but I know probably more women that are that way. (including me)   In my personal relationship, it varies but lately it has been me that isn't able to get enough.......d**n hormones are changing.  

  2. In nature, a male is meant to spread his seed. He is capable of impregnating 1000's in a short amount of time. Naturally, men have higher s*x drives. But many women do too.  

  3. Men do I think.

    Although it would be a dream come true to have a partner with a matched drive, we would be recluses making sweet love all night LOL.

  4. 20s - men, 30s - men, 40s - WOMEN!!!

  5. it depends i think woman  

  6. Obviously men.  Look, sure, some women have a higher s*x drive than some men.  However, in general, men have the higher drive.  p**n, strip clubs, and prostitution are billion dollar businesses in this country, and all three are geared towards separating men, not women, from their hard earned dollars.  Think about that.

  7. I think that varies. I have a high s*x drive along with my boyfriend so it really depends on the person.  

  8. I think it depends on the age.  Bot overall i think that men do.  

  9. i think woman. Given my circumstances 1 person wasn't enough for her and she found someone else and was trying to hide it so i had 1 partner for s*x and she had 2 so i would say she had a higher s*x drive than me.(good luck)

  10. Men - have yet to meet a female that matches mine

  11. I would say it depends on the person because in my last two relationships i would say my s*x drive was higher than theres. but  sources would most likely say men more than women.

  12. That totally depends on age.  Both men & women go through cycles.  Men start off strong when they're 18, drop off a little, then come back again in their late 30's-early 40's or so.  Many women in their 30's have been known to get increased sexual drive, then again after menopause.

  13. men

  14. Men do.

    I  do when I want something.


    ADD ON- Happy you are WRONG, the s*x industry is geared toward men because women aren't STUPID enough to pay for what we can get for FREE!

    Must suck to be YOU!

  15. Well I really honestly don't know I believe it varies from person to person, but I have yet been able to find a woman that can keep up with me. They usually end up pushing me off of them telling me they have had enough...

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