
Who do you think owns the federal bank and runs the country?

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Most of the population are not aware of the Federal Reserve Scams. Do you know who owns the Federal Reserve Bank? Private business men who include the Morgan’s, Rothschild’s and the Rockefeller family. What they do is print money out of thin air, as much as they like and it’s not regulated!!!

They lend money to the government in large interest rates so that the Government is in debt to them. So they control the world economy.

How does the Government pay of their debt to the Federal Bank, they don't WE do, in the form of Income Tax from our wages. In 1913 (as well as funding Hitler, Bushes grandfather was included in the funding) these private business men convinced congress that the public should pay Income tax and Congress did what they were told.

There is NO law written down anywhere that states that we have to pay Income’s a fraud. Not one cent or penny of peoples Income Tax payments goes to the government. It ALL goes directly into the private bankers pockets of the Federal Bank and the bank of England, Don't believe me get the DVD documentary by Aaron Russo called 1Freedom to Fascism'.

During the Napoleonic war between France and Britain Rothschild’s friends in battle got the news of Britain victory back to him first. Rothschild then went to the stock market and sold all his property, the other wealthy landowners and business men also sold all their properties and business because they assumed Britain had lost the war as the powerful Rothschild’s were selling up. After that Rothschild’s bought up everything at massively reduced prices as nobody else wanted them.

This process also happened during the great depression and it is happening again today, people are selling their business and property and greatly reduced prices and in a few years they will be snapped up by the wealthy for next to nothing.




  1. The Arab Muslim Saudis and other muslim clans,

    but some Latinos and Asians have big slices of the cake too.

  2. The Sixteenth Amendment to the Constitution spells out our tax responsibility.

  3. On a point of information for Mr Resonant. Until it was nationalised by the first post war labour government the Bank of England was a private bank and did set interest rates.

    I have hear the story about Rothschild and Waterloo before I do not believe to be apocryphal.

  4. Wow. So much misinformation packed into one question.

    - Re: Who owns the Federal Reserve?

    No, it is not the Rothschilds or Rockefellers. The laws severely limit any individiual ownership.

    The Federal Reserve System is a congressionally-chartered agency like the USPS and NASA. It is organized with a 100% government agency at the top (the Board of Governors), branches beneath them that are organized like corporations with member banks as shareholders.(Ref: , )

    The Board of Governors are all appointed for 14-year terms by the president and confirmed by congress. It operates per it's charter and laws set by congress. it is overseen by congress. There is no structure or mechanism for private ownership at this level; it is a government agency. You can confirm this from a number of government sites that list it as a government agency (e.g. Board members are forbidden by law to have any economic interest in a private bank. (Ref: Title 12 chapter 3 of the U.S. Legal Code). The Board determines monetary policy and provides high level oversight of the branches.

    The 12 branches can be considered highly regulated private corporations. Member banks are required to buy shares in their branch. Each bank has one vote.  They can vote for 6 of their 9 board members, the other 3 are appointed by the Board of Governors.  Though the branches are called non-profit, the member banks get a standard 6% dividend on their shares. The remaining 'profit' is turned over to the Treasury at the end of the year. Member banks must be domestic; no foreign banks need apply.

    For confirmation on this, check out how Hoovers classifies them:

    - Re: They lend money to the government in large interest rates so that the Government is in debt to them. So they control the world economy.

    The FRS owns less than $800B of the $9T in U.S. Debt. And, by law. the FRS has to return most of the interest to the Treasury. Unlike the rest of the bond holders.

    - Re: There is NO law written down anywhere that states that we have to pay Income tax...

    You really need to get your education beyond fringe web sites. You would really think this myth would have died in the age of Google.

    The Income Tax laws are codified in the U.S. Code. Check out:

    The U.S. Code is derived from acts of congress. For the major acts passed by congress regarding the Federal Income Tax...

    Revenue act of 1862:

    1894 Income Tax and the Wilson-Gorman Tariff Act:

    Revenue act of 1913:

    Internal Revenue Code of 1954:

    Tax reform act of 1986:

    - Re: Not one cent or penny of peoples Income Tax payments goes to the government. It ALL goes directly into the private bankers pockets of the Federal Bank

    Nonsense. The math doesn't add up. This is just conspiracy theory drivle.

    Research for yourself:

    A) Look up how much revenue comes from income tax.

    For 2006, it was $1.047T

    (Ref: )

    B) Look up how much interest is generated annually on the national debt.

    For 2006, it was $226B.


    C) So does about 22% of income tax goes to the national debt interest? Not really.

    All income tax goes to the general revenue fund from which all expenses are paid. It is not specifically directed to any program (like Social Security and Medicare taxes are).

    As a proportional percentage, about 8.5% of income tax goes to national debt interest.


    D) So much much does the Federal Reserve get of the income tax?

    There are two valid answers:

    1) $0. No dollars are budgeted to the Federal Reserve. It receives all its income from user fees and interest on T-Bills it owns.

    2) about $3B which is the budget for the Federal Reserve. (Ref: )

    By all, the Fed has to turn over it's profits (income after expenses) to the Treasury at the end of the year. All that interest the Fed gets on T-Bills? 90%+ is returned to the Treasury.

    Don't be a YouTube conspiracy theory syncophant. Research it for yourself

  5. An interesting theory.  

    By what time margin did  Rothschild receive the news of victory at Waterloo?  A few hours?  (If it happened at all).

    How much real estate or business do you imagine you can dispose of in a few hours?  And how much can you buy up before the real news arrives?

    You're living in a dream world.

    Edit: I suggest you read historian Niall Ferguson's history of the family.

  6. horizontal rule

                                    N.M. Rothschild , London - Bank of England


                                    |                                     |

                                    |                           J. Henry Schroder    

                                    |                             Banking | Corp.

                                    |                                     |

                              Brown, Shipley - Morgan Grenfell - Lazard - |

                               & Company        & Company       Brothers  |

                                    |               |              |      |

                --------------------|        -------|              |      |

                |                   |        |      |              |      |

    Alex Brown - Brown Bros. - Lord Mantagu - Morgan et Cie -- Lazard ---|

    & Son      |  Harriman       Norman     |    Paris          Bros     |

                |                   |        /      |            N.Y.     |

                |                   |       |       |              |      |

                |            Governor, Bank | J.P. Morgan Co -- Lazard ---|

                |            of England    /  N.Y. Morgan       Freres    |  

                |            1924-1938    /   Guaranty Co.      Paris     |

                |                        /    Morgan Stanley Co.  |      /

                |                       /           |              \Schroder Bank  

                |                      /            |              Hamburg/Berlin

                |                     /      Drexel & Company         /  

                |                    /       Philadelphia            /

                |                   /                               /

                |                  /                           Lord Airlie

                |                 /                               /

                |                /     M. M. Warburg       Chmn J. Henry Schroder

                |                |      Hamburg ---------  marr. Virginia F. Ryan

                |                |         |               grand-daughter of Otto

                |                |         |                Kahn of Kuhn Loeb Co.

                |                |         |                        

                |                |         |                        

    Lehman Brothers N.Y -------------- Kuhn Loeb Co. N. Y.                        

                |                |     --------------------------                    


                |                |       |                      |                    


                |                |       |                      |

    Lehman Brothers - Mont. Alabama   Solomon Loeb           Abraham Kuhn

                |                |     __|______________________|_________

    Lehman-Stern, New Orleans   Jacob Schiff/Theresa Loeb  Nina Loeb/Paul Warburg

    -------------------------    |       |                      |

                 |               | Mortimer Schiff        James Paul Warburg

    _____________|_______________/       |

    |            |          |   |        |

    Mayer Lehman |     Emmanuel Lehman    \

    |            |          |              \

    Herbert Lehman     Irving Lehman        \

    |            |          |                \

    Arthur Lehman \    Phillip Lehman     John Schiff/Edith Brevoort Baker

                  /         |             Present Chairman Lehman Bros

                 /  Robert Owen Lehman    Kuhn Loeb - Granddaughter of

                /           |             George F. Baker

               |           /               |

               |          /                |

               |         /           Lehman Bros Kuhn Loeb (1980)

               |        /                  |

               |       /             Thomas Fortune Ryan

               |      |                    |

               |      |                    |

          Federal Reserve Bank Of New York |

               ||||||||                    |

      ______National City Bank N. Y.       |

      |        |                           |

      |   National Bank of Commerce N.Y ---|

      |        |                            \

      |   Hanover National Bank N.Y.         \

      |        |                              \

      |   Chase National Bank N.Y.             \

      |                                        |

      |                                        |

    Shareholders - National City Bank - N.Y.   |

    --------------------------------------...  |  

      |                                        /

    James Stillman                            /

    Elsie m. William Rockefeller             /

    Isabel m.  Percy Rockefeller            /

    William Rockefeller          Shareholders - National Bank of Commerce N. Y.  

    J. P. Morgan                 ----------------------------------------...

    M.T. Pyne                    Equitable Life - J.P. Morgan

    Percy Pyne                   Mutual Life - J.P. Morgan

    J.W. Sterling                H.P. Davison - J. P. Morgan

    NY Trust/NY Edison           Mary W. Harriman

    Shearman & Sterling          A.D. Jiullard - North British Merc. Insurance

    |                            Jacob Schiff

    |                            Thomas F. Ryan

    |                            Paul Warburg

    |                            Levi P. Morton - Guaranty Trust - J. P. Morgan



    Shareholders - First National Bank of N.Y.


    J.P. Morgan

    George F. Baker

    George F. Baker Jr.

    Edith Brevoort Baker

    US Congress - 1946-64






    Shareholders - Hanover National Bank N.Y.


    James Stillman

    William Rockefeller






    Shareholders - Chase National Bank N.Y.


    George F. Baker

  7. Thank you for being aware.

    We'll break free of their web with awareness.

    This is how I see it:

    Doesn't matter who is doing it, but what matters is who is part of it... and thats all of us.  

    We're playing their game by their rules.  

    They need us; use us; we're their slaves.

    Remember freedom; liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

    Only way to break free of their web is to stop... participating.

    Ask everyone you want, "Please friend, reevaluate your country's ways."

    Happy 4th, enjoy the fireworks, dodge the laws, have fun, and remain aware.

    Good luck out there.

  8. Apt that you post this on Independence Day.

    4th July, 1776.  When Americans put an end to the Bank of England scamming them.

    Bit of a frying pan/fire situation methinks.

    Rosenkrantz - so you'd be happy to pay tax to people who you couldn't vote in or out?  More fool you then.

  9. you've watched zeitgeist a few too many times.

  10. I have it from a good source, the pixie's own it.

  11. This is pure tosh.

    In no sense whatsoever does all income tax in Britain go into the pockets of private bankers. The Bank of England is an independent institution, not a private bank. Until recently, the Bank of England could not even recommend the levels for interest rates on its own - that was the prerogative of government - so I completely fail to see how you can accuse it of playing a part in controlling the world economy when it did not even control the British economy.

    Your assertion that income tax is a fraud is simply ludicrous. If income tax ceased to exist, then public services would cease to exist.

    Regarding the nonsense reply that the Bank of England were "scamming" the people of North America until 1776, there was no "scam", it was a tax.

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