
Who do you think........?

by  |  earlier

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who do you think is the prettiest out of the three? list in order where in 1 is the most attractive and three is the most unattractive.

girl number one)

girl number two)

girl number three)




  1. why are you even asking a question like this?

  2. three one two

  3. Girl 1- 2

    Girl 2-3

    Girl 3-1

  4. I think all of you are very pretty, I thought number 1 looked the best honesty, but my boyfriend said he like number 2 was the best.

  5. 1. Girl number 3

    2. Girl number 1

    3. Girl number 2

    All of them are very pretty! : )

  6. 1.girl number one.

    2.girl number three.

    3.girl number two.

    1. because she just seems more..idk. haha but i hate the hannah montana shirt. no offense or anything. BUT she does seem a bit fake. The pose reminds me of Miley Cyrus. and..well shes a s...lut.

    2. shes pretty. but her hair seems thick..and i just dont llike thick hair. sorry.

    3. nice hair, but theres something about her. idk. but she seems nice :D

  7. 3 then 1 then 2

  8. i feel horrible but here's the truth:

    3 then 2 then 1

    on a side note-

    *i really like number 2's curls but yeah her face, not so much:[

    *number 3 had gorgeous eyes and facial features

    *number 1 looked fake and i didn't like her hair either

  9. eeek they are all UGLYYYY!

    i'd say number 2 is the best,

    followed by 3,

    and ew number 1:[

  10. 312

    3- gogeous eyes and very pretty

    1-i absuletly hate hannah montanah but she cute

    2- pretty hair but i just think the sun was in her eyes or something just a bad pic of her try a diff one

  11. ima give you the absolute truth

    girl #3-beautiful features.. gorgeous hair

    girl #1- pretty face

    girl #2-amazing hair

  12. 2,3,1

  13. I would have to say


    Girl Number 3 is very pretty. She has very nice facial features.

    Girl Number 1 is also very pretty, but not as much as number 3.

    Girl Number 2 is pretty, has great hair, but she is not the prettiest of all three.

    All of them are very pretty though.


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