
Who do you think responds to peer pressure more - boys or girls?

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Or both?

In your opinion which gender is more easily manipulated by peer pressure?




  1. both. everyone wants to be part of a group. who wants to be seen as an outsider.

    its a shame as well. the world would be so much better if we could all do what makes us happy (as long as its legal of course).

  2. Girls

  3. It's equal.  People who have a weak sense of 'self' do what others want them to do so they can feel as if they belong.  

    A person with a strong sense of self doesn't need to feel as if they belong, they know they already do.


  4. i would say both. but there are things that girls are more pressured into and will give in. and there's things that guys are weak about too, really, we are all going to give into pressure at some point.

  5. I can think of pretty strong examples of both genders following their peers over the figurative cliff...I think it depends more on the intelligence and will of the child in question.

  6. Prolly guys.

    Because if they don't do something

    they get mocked for a while.

    If a girl doesn't choose to do something

    or give into peer pressure

    more people understand it.

    Prolly both, but I say guys more.

  7. I think boys I think girls are more supportive than guys. And when guys get together I think like to challenge each other and test each other who's the bigger man.

  8. It depends on the individual, really.

  9. Definitely girls! Most girls feel like they have to fit in or be like the people they like. Most boys do their own thing the rest just follow if they like it. But girls feel a strong urge to do things they don't want just to be accepted.

  10. Hard to say as boys tend to try things just to fit in and seem big or impress girls. Where else girls are usually worried about what they look like and compare themselves to their friends. So its sort of an equal balance.

  11. PEOPLE vary with respect to how much they respond to peer pressure, and individuals vary as to this over the course of their lives (we're usually more easily manipulated in our younger years, and grow some sense with age).

    I doubt this is something that varies significantly between the sexes.

  12. I think they respond to it equally but in different ways. With girls, it tends to be about body image and socialization, with boys it tends to be about risk taking and choices in activities.

  13. Well, I don't say is a "manipulating" thing, which humans responds at. You have to agree with a minimal of rules on a society if you want to belong, however, some of that rules opress the free choice, and is not that persons are manipulated but they feel compulsed to lead the life society says. I think both genders suffers social pression in different ways.

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