
Who do you think should be Senator McCains running mate for the position of Vice President?

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for the upcoming elections?

Do you think it would be a wise move to have a VP like Bill Gates, since he is a self-made multibillionaire and he might be the one who could turn the American economy around and make it profitable again?

How about Warren Buffet?

Who do you think he should pick as his running mate and would you vote for that person if he was picked by McCain?




  1. Senator Larry Craig he takes a wide stance on all issues.

  2. Gov. Sarah Palin from Alaska is a over looked option. She is as conservative as they come, a life-time member of the NRA, has called her own party on the carpet for misdeeds, is young, gorgeous, mother of a special needs child, has a 90+% approval rating in Alaska, well educated, not part of anything Bush, and is not an established Washington insider.

    With that said, I doubt McCain will pick her. I am guessing Mitt Romney. He is also a good choice for all the popular reasons. He fills McCains resume well in the area of economics, brings his realitive youth to the ticket, and like Palin is neither a Washington insider or a part of anything Bush.

    Condilizza Rice is very VERY qualified but (and it is a HUGE but), McCain would be foolish to pick her as this would be thrown around as Bush's 3rd term (but I personally still like Condi).

  3. Why doesn't he pick his wife, since she is the only one who gave him his one job as an adult.

  4. A list of 5 women (+1 man)

    - Sen. Olympia Snowe (Maine)

    - Sen. Lisa Murkowski (Alaska)

    - Gov. Charlie Crist (Florida)

    - Gov. Linda Lingle (Alaska)

    - Gov. Sarah Palin (Hawaii)

    - Carly Fiorina (former HP CEO)

  5. I have NO Idea (and I've given alot of thought to it- too!). ALL the Republicans He could choose, have serious "defects..." If McCain were REALLY the "Maverick" He's still claiming to be, he'd throw "Caution to the Wind" -& choose Joe Lieberman for the VP spot... But Old Men are SELDOM so bold... -& more likely He will bow to Party Pressure, & pick Mitt Romney...   Regardless & Whatever, the Republican "Cause" is LOST this Year... I'm voting for Obama.

  6. mitt romney

  7. Colon Powell

  8. He could not win if....he had F.D.R and J.F.K on his ticket!.....did ya notice?..both great democrats!

  9. No question ,  Chuck Norris

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