
Who do you think should be the next president of the USA?

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Who do you think should be the next president of the USA?




  1. Mickey Mouse

  2. Obama (its time for a change) and he's gunna be a great president!!

  3. Marilyn Manson!!! :)

  4. Mel Gibson'?

  5. Mugabe

  6. I have long held the belief that the presidency should alternate between the conservative and liberal parties. The liberal party offers liberal changes that are best implemented by the conservative party. If the liberal party stays in power too long, society can't accept all the changes and chaos and higher taxes ensue. The conservative party implements the changes in a way that ensures some order. Therefore, at this stage in my paradigm, the Democratic Party should be elected to run the country (Obama). This paradigm worked in getting us out of the Great Depression, the aftermath of WWII, the Viet Nam era, etc. A friend of mine told me he believed you should always vote against the party currently in power. In this way the new administration leaves you alone while it is learning how the system works. By the time they learn it well enough to manipulate the public, you vote them out of power.

  7. will smith

  8. Homer Simpson

  9. It would be nice if the Americans would vote someone into office who had a brain.That would make a very pleasant change and would provide a breath of fresh air.

  10. OBAMA 08

  11. Me

  12. Oprah Winfrey

  13. Woody Woodbine, the cycling duck. :-)

  14. s****. Doo with Shaggy as Vice President they've got to be better than these 2

    I suppose as a neutral I'd like to see Obama since McCain's a wee bit old, remember poor old Ronnie because in the end he didn't.! Don't think it projects the right image on the world stage if you start losing your marbles whilst in office.

  15. Ronald Macdonald

  16. Is this a serious question? 'Cause all the other answers are just jokes. I think Barack Obama should be next. Then after him, Paris Hilton.

  17. Condoleeza Rice

  18. OBAMA

  19. obama cuz all been white it is time for us he is the best. i am voting for obama.

  20. Hilary Clinton!!

  21. michael jackson

  22. George Clooney.

  23. To be honest, I don't think there is a candidate that I would vote for. If she had still been in the running I would probably have chosen Hilary Clinton.

  24. Ron Paul  the others ie Mc Cain and Obama are both part of the CFR a society that wants to murder 80% of the worlds population I know this info may be to much for your brainwashed mind to take in you have probably no ability to think left but look into all evidence will back up my claim

  25. Jeremy Clarkson

  26. Forced to choose between McSame and Obama I´d go for Obama.

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