
Who do you think should get?

by  |  earlier

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the kids? my wife and i have been married 9 years. she has always worked, and i get social security disability. but i have been the primary caregiver of our children since birth.she has never spent anytime with them has threatened to kill them and i have a protction order against her now. not to mention the affair she is having on me.she has broken windows out of the house,kicked in walls and doors.she throws uncontrollable fits and hits herself in the face. do you think that she will get them, she has a attorney and i have no resources to get one but through legal aid, which they are going to tell me wedsnday if they will represent me.




  1. If the children are at risk for harm and it can be proven, they will not be placed with her.  Proven is the key word.  Allegations with no documentation or reports from child protective services to back it up will probably not be given much merit.  If you have such proof, she may receive supervised visitation but most likely will not be granted custody.  The best thing to do is hope that she will eventually seek therapy so she can begin to be a good mother to them.  If this happens, you should be open to the idea of expanding her visitation rights.  Ideally, children should know that they have two loving parents who want to be with them.  Good luck to you, and I hope that everything works out well for you and your children.

  2. sounds like in this case it would not matter what lawyer you got you would probably get full custody,good luck i hope you win

  3. if you have documented her abuse, you might get cuwstody, and child support.

  4. She should have to pay child support and you should get the kids.  Legal aid should be able to represent you.  If you have documentation of her temper and abuse, there should be no problem in you getting the kids.  Keep your chin up and do this for the kids.

  5. Prima Facie you should be the custodial parent.

    You must ensure that your legal rep has a structured timeline of events to prove that her behavior is consistent with which you allege. If any events resulted in law enforcement attending or witnesses were present you must get dates, times and statements sorted out immediately.

    She will attend the case looking like a victim and trying to portray you in a negative light. You may wish to bring character references to fend this off.

    Basically if you walk in and all you have is your word against hers she will likely do well but if you have a barrage of evidence in hardcopy you'll have a much stronger case.

    If you kept a diary of events bring it with you as it's regarded as evidence and proof.

  6. i hope they do get you a layer ether way you need any proof you can come up with witnesses pic police reports any thing good luck

  7. Of course by all means u should get custody of the kids seeing that she is in no good condition to take care of any kids, but of course u have to be able to prove all that you said here to the judge in court, so i say try your best to talk w/a lawyer, and see what legal rights you have in the matter.GL to you.

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