
Who do you think the U.S should be backing in the Georgia/Russia War?

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I personally have a little hate towards Russia as a whole so...yea.




  1. It is not a conflict between Russia and Georgia. It is a civil war in Georgia. Southern Osetia wants independence. Russia supports it. Why then USA does not want to support independence of Southern Osetia? USA is for freedom of people right!? Free Kosovo, remember? Georgia did not attack Russia. Georgia attacks Southern Osetia. It happened that Russians had troops overthere to keep peace, but it did not help....So, in my opinion USA has to follow their rule to support freedom and free will of people. Therefore USA should not support Georgia but support Southern Osetia so that Southern Osetia would get independence like it was in Kosovo

  2. We should set up some live web cams and sell access on the internet.  

  3. of course you guys would do that. ;) You make Georgia your little w***e again as you did with many countries so you can use it again in your dirty political games. Oh, you actually will really need Georgia cuz after helping them out they will no guts to refuse you to military base.

    Sure, send the money, people - buy another w***e!

  4. Neither.

  5. I don't care if it's Russia vs Al Qeada, I would never support Russia.

  6. Here's what happened in the war.  Georgia invades South Ossetia, breaking every peace treaty they had with Russia, hoping they can take it fast enough to entrench themselves for an invasion using the media focus on the Olympics to their advantage.  Russia invades Georgia after several Russian planes are shot down and soldiers are killed.  Sh*t hits the fan for Georgia after the invasion so they play the "we are the victims" card, trying to get the world on their side.  The only support they get is from the U.S. while everyone else either supports Russia, who was attacked, or takes no side.  Georgia is the aggressor and it seems the U.S. can't let 20 year old grudges go with Russia so they support Georgia while the rest of the world supports Russia.  The U.S. should support a quick peace and NOT get involved.

  7. They've already come out and said the USA backs Georgia.

    'Georgia, a staunch U.S. ally, has about 2,000 troops in Iraq, making it the third-largest contributor to coalition forces after the U.S. and Britain.'

  8. if anyone Georgia --- just to p**s Russia off even further --- stems from what the Russians call our attempt to get influence in Georgian politics -- of the Georgians truly truly hate the Russians and the current regime in Russia is just looking back to the "good old days" and trying to re-unite the former USSR

  9. Neither the political and military consequences of supporting either side have the potential to be just to great.  

  10. GEORGIA!!!!!!! We must support Georgia

    Russia is fascist imperialist state that wants to take over the whole region. See how it treats Chechens.

    George is free country and it must be protected from Russian aggression.

    Last centry half of Europe suffered under Russian control. Now Europe is free and we won the cold war. We mustnt allow Russia to become strong again.

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