
Who do you think the antichrist is?????

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Who do you think the antichrist is?????




  1. He's alive and well at 7 years old and Lives in Chicago.

  2. In the first place, we are not to know............but to follow......most of my Dad's generation ,of course, thought it was Hitler.  My generation thought it was Hussein.  Personally, I doubt we would know until it was too late..................The only thing I'm sure of, he will make it sound too good to be true........and as always, it is!

  3. This may sound like a simple answer but it is my own belief.

    I believe the anti Christ is anyone who is against Christ in their mind.  I don't believe it is just one person but many.  

    Transcending into Christ Consciousness has been the goal for millions over the centuries.  It has nothing to do with any religion, only the mind of Christ.  That would be the pure mind of Christ, or, his teachings.  To rise above traditions, unproductive and destructive thinking that is past down from generation to generation.   Getting rid of the past and old thought patterns, emerging into ones true self instead of a false self...

    "I Am."  :)  Not I am this or I am that, just, "I am....."

  4. Ignorance.

  5. Most people (even most Christians) totally ignore how the Bible actually uses the Greek word antichristos (antichrist).

    The word appears five times, not in Revelation, but only in the books of 1st John and 2nd John. Here is a list of all occurrences of the word Antichrist in the Bible: 1 John 2:18-22. 1 John 4:1-3. 2 John 7.

    If you read those texts you will see for yourself that the Bible says the following:

    1. There are MANY antichrists.

    2. Antichrists had already started appearing when the writer was writing the books.

    3. Antichrists are defined at those who left the original Christian congregation.

    4. Antichrists contradict what the Bible actually says, which is what makes them Antichrists.

    5. Antichrists, although contradicting scripture, still profess belief in Christ.

    As a result of contradicting what the Bible actually says, they are called liars, deceivers, and false prophets.

    These facts, however, create a dilemma for modern Christians.

    If a professed Christian today claims there is only ONE antichrist; or claims that the antichrist doesn't appear until the "end times", or claims that the antichrist is political; or otherwise misrepresents how the Bible uses the word antichrist, then that person is contradicting what the Bible actually says, correct?

    Therefore, if the person is contradicting what the Bible actually says about antichrists, then doesn't that demonstrate that the person making the false claim, is himself or herself an antichrist?

  6. That dark part of your own soul that resents the possibility of redemption, seeks to subvert God's will, is characterized by an unwillingness to forgive or accept forgiveness, and would rather be ruined than changed.

  7. Johnny Rotten from The s*x Pistols.

    First few lines from the s*x Pistols song "Anarchy in the UK":

    "I am an antichrist

    I am an anarchist"

  8. People who use multiple question marks to conclude a sentence.

  9. Jessica Alba's s**y butt. LOL!!!!!!!

  10. the roman emperor nero :)

  11. Who? I can't say.

    Where the idea comes from:

    bible thumpers, uneducated, given to fancy and misinterpreting delusion as something real.

    I thought everybody already knew that!

  12. Its interesting that this question is being asked and answered under Mythology and Folklore vs. under religion.  Does that meant that those answering are recognizing this concept as a myth?  Does anyone apply such Apocalyptic language and symbolism in the context in which it was written?  Demonization of alternate ideas regarding government and religious concepts was common place.  Accepting and incorporating new concepts of government and religion was common to ensure growth and allow acceptance by new cultures.  Scriptures should be examined with thoughts to their intended message to the audience of the time.  Antichrist labels were applied to those portraying messages not in line with that which was accepted/preached by the main body of the early Church.  Some of the "heretical" concepts were later incorporated into the teachings of the Church.  New knowledge allows us to relook at early writings ever more clearly.  Galileo can rest easy in his grave that he eventually received a post mortem "Oh yeah...that whole part about us declaring you a heretic because you disagreed with us about the Earth being the center of the universe with the Sun rotating around it....  Our bad."  Then there was the, "Um, hey, Martin Luther, remember when we excommunicated you for pointing out fraud, abuse, and disagreeing with some of our teachings...well, about were right about most of those things....but you can understand our over reaction, you did put a nasty nail hole in the church door."

  13. John McCain

  14. OBAMA

  15. i think the antichrist is....... made up =P

  16. A vicious politician

  17. I think there have been several throughout history: Nero, Hitler, Reagan, Geroge W. Bush.....Obama?

  18. Homer Simpson

  19. not sure who...

    but someone who will claim to bring world peace and stop wars and gets everyone on his/her side before he/she turns on them.

    7 years of peace --- followed by 7 years of h**l

  20. No one will know who that Anti-Christ is unto he makes his way onto the world scene and then for many that followed him all they have to look forward to is the release of death........... Oh yes for he will have many follower... And the sad thing is that if you really read your bible and not just have someone read to you.... You could have avoided his trap and be protected by God............ So just going to church will not save you but going to church and reading your bible will............ And all of you knuckle heads out there that say That there is no God will be among the first to fall into that trap............

  21. Some man of middle eastern origin, some say Jewish because he is supposed to rebuild in Jerusalem a prize possession.  Only a Jewish person will be allowed to do certain priestly things in the temple.  He will offer world peace and solutions to all economic situations for every country.  He will be well liked and he will force everyone to go under one religion.....He will get approx 7 years to do his thing....But Before this occurs look up Jesus will be doing his rapture of christian believers..

  22. Well in the catholic bible it's a demon with 7 heads each head with six horns and 8 legs similar to some kind of cat. He's also suppost to come before the real christ comes.

  23. the computer.

    Or rather the chip that makes everything smart.

    I know the computer can split a family as for 'family time'.....

    Actually, you know how the Bible says someone will lie, and deceive, and have followers--I believe THAT.

    The computer just isn't helping any, ya know?

  24. I'm the anti christ.  This is my purpose in life and I'm powerful.  You really can't say I'm not the anti-christ specially if your christian because you really wouldn't know.

  25. the anti-christ is one who claims to be christ, or have his authority. The papacy is said to be one form of the anti christ.

    Ultimately satan himself will appear as the anti-christ, he will walk the earth and claim to be Jesus.

    This will happen quite soon.

  26. According to " the bible"it's satan

  27. The anti-christ will be created from all of the hypocritical christians and will at first be a good person.

    he\she will start with nothing and work hard to be great.

    at the top of his or her game they will start down a path of

    hate,greed, and then start to believe that he is christ.

    everyone will reject or love this person.

    there will be no peace or prosperity.

    when it happens there will be one chance to be saved from the anti-christ.

    but there will not be anything that is unchangable.

  28. george bush /or  barrack obama

  29. Fred Phelps

  30. Hello, Nevermind:

    Well, Jesus warned us of the Abomination of Desolation and people are completely baffled by His clear statement.  So...

    So, God closed one part of the Bible, the only place that says "These words are sealed and closed up until the end of the days."  

    When you break the Bible code, you will know what to watch out for in the near future:

    Yes, bad times are coming, and you also need to read "The Rise, Decline, and Death of Islam as Predicted in the Bible."

    Shalom, peace in Jesus, Ben Yeshua

  31. The whole routine is a myth. Jesus Christ did not exist, so the Antichrist does not exist either.

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