
Who do you think the next US president will be?

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I am not asking for opinions, I am just wanting your input as to what you believe!.




  1. Nader!

    23rd time's the charm!

  2. I hope anybody but McCain.

  3. I think it will be Obama (but want it to be Nader.)

    All of Obama's skeletons came out during the primary fight with Hillary.   Nobody cares about Wright or Rezko or Ackers or Ayers or whoever anymore.    That damage is done.

    Obama is a much stronger candidate than Kerry.   And McCain is a much weaker candidate than Bush.

  4. I believe that both have good and bad sides Obama is a new face and promise great thing however Mc Cain has walked the walk .personally I want obama but any one is a improvement on bush  


  6. I would have said Obama until Sarah Palin entered the arena

    Now the Obama campign is walking on egg shells and one false

    move could cost them the election

    There is already the sympathy voe (the pity vote?) and that may go

    away if two months but right now it is so the polls that

    I would say John McCain will win if Senator Barack Obama does

    not stop the bleeding at the polls..everyday he sinks lower and lower

    and until they can prove their case they may end up losing in NOV?

  7. I think it will be McCain

  8. that is an opinion, and it's pure speculation....why don't we just wait until NOV 3rd...


  10. Mccain. Obama has nothing to back himself up on. He fell into his own trap of stupidity, also his pick for Biden VP was brilliant. Now the republicans will win.

  11. I don't know...not until november! I have a feeling it will be McCain though. = /

    YES! Let's vote Michael Phelps! LOL = )

  12. OBAMA !

  13. Michael Phelps! He is running, right?  He sure was campaigning alot a couple of weeks ago...

  14. I think that's an oxymoron

  15. McCain

  16. Alfred E Newman

  17. Are you people kidding me you want more of Bush. Wake up obama wil be the next president.

  18. Either Obama or McCain, and with a 99.99999% probability.

    There's always that minute chance some freak event is gonna happen.

  19. John McCain followed by President Sarah Palin.

  20. Obama


  22. With Palin totally stealing the spotlight. She has become a one woman show. McCain was brilliant in choosing her. I barely remember Bidens name now. There is no stopping them now. For all the Obama supporters- dont feel dissapointed. Back in 88 Dukakis had a lead on Bush SR. and look what happend in the end. Up to election day it was Dukakis this and Dukakis that. Everyone will be in a shock when they see the results come November. It could be a bad loss for Obama.

  23. I think it's too early to tell with any amount of confidence that one will win over the other. Points standings change so fast and so often that when it comes down to the electoral college votes then it matters because of how they vote. But, until then it's pretty much up in the air as far as who will win the presidency.  

  24. It will be John McCain.

  25. McCain.

    Obama= good talk.

    McCain= done the walk.

  26. I think it will be Obama.

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