
Who do you think the world hates more? ?

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Muslims or Americans

(not including american muslims)




  1. Lets see one thinks it rules the world the other wants to rule the world.

    Its a hard one but i reckon the Muslims are ahead on points

  2. No one should hate anyone!

  3. Only a fvcking ignorant America hating lib would ask this.

  4. What are you doing with that hate you talk of ? Post us to death? As the man said bring it on You see us in your country no matter what country that is Bring it on boy You see us with your best women maybe some one you know Bring it on boy You people over the pond can sit for hours cross legged and sit smile Bring it on BOY

  5. Americans because of there level of interferance. Islam is a global belief so rules out quite a large number of people

  6. Gordon Brown and cheese

  7. I think you are asking the wrong question.

    Surely it should read who has killed and destroyed the most in the world. Because this is often the cause of hatred and sickness.

  8. pakkis

  9. I'd say the muslims because they now have a reputation thanks to the Nutty Terrorists!  

  10. The world itself is totally impartial, a natural disaster will kill you regardless of your race,colour or creed.

  11. Definitely muslims, americans rule! (im British)

  12. why would you hate Americans? do they threaten you? preach hate red towards you on your own streets? blow up your children? try to take your country? do they sit in your country like a hate fuelled social cancer????  

  13. The French...

  14. Truly a hate racist question intend to provoke ill feelings.

    Your responders have shown their level of hatred; not all but most.

  15. The civilized world? Muslims all the way.

  16. Muslims, hands down

  17. Very few people actually hate anyone, let alone an entire community, whether a nation or a religion.

    In fact the world should be grateful to Islam for preserving the body of knowledge that became the "renaissance" and to the Americans (as part of the English speaking peoples) that saved the world.

    If we must hate anything it is the ignorance that misleads a minority to look for discord, rather than agreement, for violence rather than peace.

  18. Americans but only the fat ones from texas.

  19. One tries to help free people from oppression and the other pushes people into oppression- I dont care what people buy into, the US is the force for good in this world and hundreds of millions- billions even- gladly suck from our teat then spit on us- s***w them

  20. Oh without doubt it would be Phil Collins as most hated, then maybe religious nuts and Americans somewhere along the line.

  21. without a doubt those mindless, fat cookie eating b******s who sit on their *** masturbating to fox news.

    those americans in the U.S of g*y, make me fokin sick.

    they are the fattest deluded peices of **** ever to live on this earth, and the sooner those steaming sacks of **** are nuked off this planet the better.

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