
Who do you think was the best president of all time?

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My opinion is FDR and Clinton :)

How about y'all?




  1. Franklin D. Roosevelt

  2. I'll say Lincoln and FDR.

  3. Ronald Reagan

  4. George W. Bush, but only if it prevents America from electing another idiot ever again (highly doubtful).

  5. Jefferson--for the Lewis and Clarke thing alone

  6. Andrew Jackson and Teddy Roosevelt. Those were real men who stood for something. They did not cozy up to big money and corporations like the current crowd.

    Old Hickory and the Rough Rider took names and kicked butt. I like them.

  7. Thomas Jefferson.

  8. I think this must be answered in the context of era's.  I think in the early era it had to be the third President Thomas Jefferson (1801-1809).  Next era would have to be the 16th president Abraham Lincoln (1861-1865). The next era would have to be the 26th President Theodore Roosevelt (1901-1909). And the greatest in our modern era would have to be the 40th President Ronald Reagan (1981-1989).  I put them in era's due to the unique problems each era held.  It is not fair to judge them against each other.  However if I absolutly had to pick one above all others I think I would pick Ronald Reagan followed closely by Thomas Jefferson.  And if you want a bonus question and answer to who was the worst President of all time.  I can answer that fairly easy.  That is most definatly the 39th President Jimmy Carter (1977-1981).  Thanks for your time.  Good day.

  9. C'mon people really Reagan was a paranoid old man whose only abilities were in acting. As for clinton he was ok, but the BEST far from it, FDR was pretty good too with the whole new deal idea but the BEST has to be George Washington...No contest

  10. Washington and Teddy Roosevelt

  11. Bush is the best president.  A lot of people may not agree but who cares what they think

  12. All the ones that were assassinated, which is why we're in the mess we are now.

  13. lincoln and jfk

  14. reagan or washington.  

  15. FDR and JFK.

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