
Who do you think will be elected to the Hall of Fame in 09?

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Rickey Henderson will be a first ballot pick. Jim Rice will get in on his final ballot. Just those two (I see).

Dawson and Blyleven just miss.




  1. I think your assessment is right on, Rickey is a lock, Jim Rice squeaks in on his last ballot and Blyleven and Dawson are barely left out.  The question for me is whether McGwire starts to make up some ground this year or if he is still shut out by the voters.

  2. Rickey is a lock indeed. I say thats it.

    Rice does not deserve to go. I think Bert deserves to go before him. If Rice gets in then that lowers the bar. I know he has Tony Perez numbers but Tony doesn't belong either. Now that allows people who are close to Rice, Perez numbers a chance. Rice may get in based on the Perez factor.

    McGwire doesnt get in.

    Buck O'neil needs to get more consideration, a LOT more, before Rice does.

  3. i agree with you that Henderson and rice will be the ones that will most likely get in and I also agree that O'Neil deserves to get in and is long over due...but there is one other name that I think should get in and is long overdue - Ron Santo

  4. As far as holdovers I think Rice will finally get in. I also think Blyleven gets in, he deserves it. He's top 10 all time in strikeouts and shutouts. I don't think they'll put 3 holdovers in so Dawson will have to wait another year or two. Blyleven has been getting a lot of support lately, he picked up 14 percent last year while Dawson only gained 9 percent

    For first timers Henderson is a lock. After that I don't see anybody who will make it. The best of the rest is Mark Grace, David Cone, Matt Williams, and Jesse Orosco. Good players but not HOF material.

    edit: I know in 2008 Dawson was closer then Bert but like I mentioned, Bert picked up 5% on Andre and I just have a feeling he'll pick up more this year.  He's the best pitcher that has a chance.  I think some of the voters won't want to vote for 3 position players (Henderson, Rice, Dawson) so maybe Blyleven will pick up the "pitcher" vote and pass Dawson especially since Gossage won't be on the ballot next year.

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