
Who do you think will be the next Britney or Paris ?

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My bet is on Vanessa Hudgens or Selena Gomez !




  1. I say me!

  2. No way, Miley will. As soon as she is released from her Disney contract she will let it loose- well more so than she already has.

  3. miley and vannessa all the way!

  4. Hannah and Miley, Oh! I'm so sick of them.  Hannah merchandise is so cheesy it has me sick.  Miley has me sick too.  They're all clones.  Corny, cheesy music and a lot of PLASTICity!  That's why I turned to european underground dance music.

  5. Miley Cyrus aka Hannah Montana

  6. well for hundred % its gonna be Miley Cyrus cause she is nearly there!

  7. Miley Cyrus, Vanessa hugens,and Linsay lohan is gettin there.

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