
Who do you think will become president of the USA?

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Who do you THINK will become president Obama/Biden or McCain/Palin? NOT who do you WANT. I know there's still 2 months left but who do you honestly believe will become the next president of the USA? I want honest answers. Thanks




  1. McCain will make a good president.  The ones who are being decieved by Barack Hussein Obama hopefully will see through him in time to make their vote count. . . . .  But then there is always the group that cannot think for themselves who will waste their vote.


  2. Nader. Hahaha.

  3. Seriously, due to polls that have shown since day one people are "exhausted" financially in this country, and are clearly at the end of their ropes-OBAMA.

    We are in such desperate need for hope- McCain doesn't offer. Not a doubt in my mind UNLESS the Republican Party "once again" helps themselves to the Presidential election-if you get my drift, OBAMA has it.

  4. McCain/Palin

    While Nancy Pelosi was spending millions of our dollars to pimp out her private jet,  Alaska Governor Sarah Palin was selling the one from the prior corrupt administration on e-bay, and cutting her own pay! While Obama throws his best VP candidate -- the one who got 18 million votes -- under the bus, John McCain welcomes a new conductor aboard the straight talk express. While Joe Biden relies on the old playbook of negativity, John McCain looks to the future of America. That future is, Country First, Country over Party, optimism and h**l no BHO!

    To support Obama, you have to be a liar

    Biden proves it loud and clear!

    This video demonstrates how Biden has to now lie, eat his words, eat crow, kiss butt, and be just what he is -- a phoney backing a phoney. I guess we're all supposed to just forget what Biden said about Obama, right? Fat chance.

  5. Obama.

    Vote Nick Jonas for President in the year 2038.

  6. i think everyone thinks obama will win...but i think mccain will. actually. idk. it's really really really mixed!

  7. i personally think obama and mccain arent the best people to be running for presendent but by what ive read and what ive seen McCain will win because obama has gone back on his word, and he wants everyone to be equal BUT he wants to tax more! i dont know i would love to see someone rather than an old white guy be president but Obama isnt a good canidate

  8. OBAMA!!!!

    he better be

    i will shoot myself if mccain becomes president


  9. Wasn't going to vote. Am not for Obama, but believed he would win. Now will vote for McCain because of Palin. And believe liberals shot themselves by in effect saying an inexperience man is qualified but an inexperienced woman is not. McCain wins.

  10. John McCain.

    I am voting for John "Maverick" McCain and Sarah "The Terminator" Palin.

    I am a moderate Democrat and Here is why:

    McCain bucked conventional wisdom and the good ole boy system and chose a Washington outsider. Palin has actual experience fighting and winning against corruption in her own party. And I guess 80% of Alaskans love that she brought in a budget surplus.

    I vote for the people who get things done not for people who "talk" about getting  things  done.

  11. Obama, unless he does something really stupid.

    McCain is now on The Campaign to Nowhere

  12. Obama/Biden

  13. Obama/Biden That's who

  14. Obama/Biden on the issues.

    McCain/Palin is out of the main stream.

  15. I THINK Obama will be president and I also WANT him to be also!

  16. Obama will win.  The hurricane is on it's way to disrupt the Republican convention while John Boy McCain "the Maverick" shoots his own foot by by-passing the pros for the Alaskan hotty as  VP.  Does this mean that God is actually a Democrat rather than a Republican?

  17. I honestly believe it will be Obama and Biden. People want new policies and a fresh start.  

  18. I honestly believe that Obama will win.  He has the media, youth, celebrities on his side and more money than McCain.  Oh, and he is leading in polls now.  It is inevitable.  Obama!!!!

  19. OBAMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!! he is ready to help our country ( we really need that!) he will pull the troops out of iraq before one more soldier dies. He will put a young, fresh face on the white house, he is ready to lead.

  20. i really think pple wont choose MC cuz they just picture him as another Obama

    just being honest and not sugar-coating it

    put away ur thumbs

  21. ObamaLamaDingDong's campaign is imploding,and people are seeing him for the empty suit he truly is.John McCain will be pres ...

  22. Obama Obama Obama Obama Man!

  23. McCain, VP pick hurt him a bit, but he will win when it comes down to the debates.

    I also believe that 3rd parties are going to get a ton of support this year.

  24. Hitler...(Obama)

  25. John McCain.

  26. Obama. No one in their right mind will elect McCain with the unqualified arm candy only a heartbeat away from being President if he croaks.

  27. Obama. McCain made the worst mistake on chosing Palin. we were going to vote for him, but we now like obama way better.

  28. Obama.  McCain cancelled his own ticket, with Palin as his choice.

  29. Well, considering who McCain picked for VP, I think Obama will win. But, I'm going to predict that most of the answers you'll get will be McCain. Just read answers to other questions and you'll understand my theory.

  30. McCain / Palin '08

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