
Who do you think will come out the victor in the MSM gang-bang against Bristol?

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Will the general public sympathize with her because of the attacks or will they side with the MSM?

I'm betting that the MSM ends up looking foolish, AGAIN!

What are your thoughts?




  1. Sarah Palin and her supporters NEVER have claimed she is the perfect parent.

    Unverifiable statement, what a surpise!

    MSM is and is going to look like royal a******s.

    And guess what, to all the Obama supporters that claimed she was forced to marry.

    The guy actually proposed and had talked to his parents about it way before he even had the conceived the child.

    Verifiable sources, FOR THE WIN.

    The boy's mother, Sherry Johnston, said there had been no pressure put on her son to marry 17-year-old Bristol Palin and the two teens had made plans to wed before it was known she was pregnant.

    Bum bum bummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

    This a genuine romance, NO WAY?!!

    What, with all your hollywood actors teaching you guys stuff, I am not surprised you guys claimed this was forced.

    MSM already looks like a******s, this just strengthened my support of this girl.

  2. Neo cons only have values until its one of their own.

    From Rush Limbau's  and Cindy McCain's drug addictions, to Jimmy Swaggert's Prostitution addiction, to John McCain's adultry,  the Christian right has always been able to forgive their own.

    But a Democrat like John Edwards ........................

  3. Ohhh ahhhh yaaa  well lets see im going with MSM but im not a gang banger  good day Mi s**y one yours DINO

  4. The MSM will lose.

    We knew it was coming. She has too many anti-MSM things going for her that they wouldn't pull out all the stops, but as Newt Gingrich just said, when Palin's husband got his DUI about 20 years ago at 22, Obama was doing crack & Obama admitted it. But the MSM doesnt put that together.

    Someone will.

    Sarah Palin should be a MSM/Feminist dream candidate. Mom 5 times, ran her own biz, married hi-school sweetheart & still is, son's in Iraq, she shoots & hunts as well as any man, became a Mayor in an ol' boys club & governor to boot! They should be applauding this woman & instead they demonize her.

    It's like Laura Ingraham said last night (sorry to drop names, but credit...) Feminist's are only for LIBERAL woman, not conservative.

  5. They already look foolish.  

    Try and think the last time you've seen such a free for all, wolf pack pounce on one person, let alone a woman candidate.

    The Huffingtonpost bloggers have been working overtime.

  6. I know not who will win that battle, only that the American people have already lost.

  7. It's a disgrace and it's all men this democratic party and their circus media has been thrashing women starting with there own party nominee Hillary and then Sarah and now her poor child. I believe every woman with any intelligence should walk away from Obama camp they have some serious unresolved mother issues!!  McCain08' They have even gone as far as deciding where Hillary votes will go I was for Hillary if I didn't like Obama then why would we vote for him now McCain08'

  8. If they keep attacking a 17 year old girl, every woman in America will vote for John McCain.

  9. MSM? What's that, enlighten me please so I may attempt to respond with some kind of intelligent answer.

    You are closing your eyes and you disappoint me. It's not about the young lady and I know you know it. You want so desperately to believe in your party even you are willing to excuse this young lady's actions. Getting pregnant and being unmarried. Is that one of the family values republicans try to instill in their kids?

    Or is this just another indiscretion that gets swept under the rug, out of sight out of mind and then up on the high moral horse again?

  10. Cons only have themselves to blame. Their dirty filthy attacks are coming back to bite them in the @ss. They learned well.

    Go worship Rush or O'reilly. These dirtbags is part of the reason America is like this.

    It's ok if they trash innocent people. Then it's funny? right? Bet you had a big old belly laugh when Rush called that little girl, Chelsea, the white houe dog.  Bet then it was ok to pick on a kid. Right?

  11. Bristol is a cheap date...

  12. You are mistaken.  The media isn't attacking Bristol for getting knocked up.  They are attacking Palin for not being the perfect parent she and her supporters claim she is.

  13. Bristol.  How gutless do you have to be to mount an attack campaign against a high school girl..

  14. well it seems Bristol's boyfriend will be at the convention on Weds. they can be paraded around what a good photo op that will be. The new poster child for the Republican party Bristol

    What role models

    the Republican party is a joke.

  15. there really won't be a winner the damage is done

    the attacks on her mother are making her feel like c**p even more

    the stupidity and meanness can never be erased.......

  16. Once again, I concur.

  17. People are stupid... they believe what they see on TV...

    there are quite a few people out there that still think Obama's a Muslim thanks to Fox's hatchet jobs...

    payback's a b*****

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