
Who do you think will live after Russia throws Nukes over to Poland?

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What do you think will happen?




  1. Well, considering my mom is currently visiting family in Poland I'd rather not think about it.

  2. No One. WW III will start...-last about 40 minutes, the Human Race will be wiped out... and THAT will be That... No "film at 11 ..."  :(

  3. Poland is doomed. Poland was the reason World War II started, and now they are going to drag us into World War III too.

  4. the chinese.

  5. Your question is absurd.  Russia might invade Poland but they will not "throw nukes" at anyone.  If Russia invaded Poland, who would stop them?  By the time NATO had committee meetings and voted and tried to figure out what France and Italy would do, it would be all over.

  6. Russia will not under any circumstances nuke Poland; their allusions to the contrary were designed to play to uneducated shriekers, as we see here. Russia's aim has been to prevent the installation of a US defensive shield at all. Once completed, the shield robs Russia of the bully factor that it has previously relied upon, at times with good reason.  

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