
Who do you think will make a better president,Barack Obama, or Mccain?

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I think Barack Obama becasue he will make a great change, but then Bill Mccain may also be a good president




  1. Bill McCain? haha. But no, Obama is the obvious best choice. McCain talked about Obamas lack of experience in office, but if you take the vice presidents and add them to the experience then the Democrats have much more experience because of Biden, when Mccain chose that pill poper looking lady who has the least experience. and john mccain is soo old that he is probably going to die soon and if that happens, would you like a non-experience crazy women as our president of the united states??? i sure don't.

  2. We will never know, as only one president at a time will get a chance,

    either way it depends on the whole of congress, Each belongs to a party and are influenced by them, Congress is as much at fault, Not just one person.

  3. Obama.

    He has shown good judgment over and over again.

    McCain just chose a sportscaster journalist as his VP.  His judgment on this issue shows me that he  doesn't respect women.  And he doesn't respect this country.

  4. McCain all the way, military and political experience.  Keeps a flag on his house, doesnt support full birth abortions, has military experience and was a prisoner of war.  McCain has my respect and my vote!  GO MCCAIN!

  5. I think it would be of little difference. Both are funded by the special interests that really have a stranglehold on the country (federal reserve, haliburton, weapon systems), so they're job is to pretty much keep the status quo, even though that is not in the best interest of the country. If I had to pick I'd say Obama because his economic policy is more proven to work (We receded with the trickle down policy with both bushes, and had a surplus with clinton), and he's also for more social liberties like civil unions and such. But all in all, if we want change, we should vote someone in like Nader.

  6. Well if you enjoyed that last eight years of your life ,ie poor economy, super high gas prices, war, to name a few. than vote for mccain because nothing will change.  


  7. all you people need to shut up about how u think shes going for obama because shes black

    I want Obabma to be the president. Mccain's old and he gets cancer alot and he picked a running mate that's only been governor of Alaska for 1 year. She also wants to teach creationism in school and that really sucks

  8. I say Obama.

    And it's "John "Mccain.

    Please edit that.


    Why Obama.

    *He wants change.

    * He taking a chance.

    (by that he knows that he's less experiences but that isn't stop him)

    * Education for everyone.

    * Tax plans.

    * The War Iraq

    *Health care

    - Comments

    There is millions of people trying to make ends meet.

    Bush promise for a better America but i has it.

    8 more years anyone?

    I dont think so.

    Higher prices on oil and gas.

    Prices on Food items getting higher.

    More people taking in bankrupty.

    Taxes getting higher.

    Children working to support education.

    Single parents try to get it together for their kids.

    Our economy suffering.

    Houses getting higher.

    Does anyone want that?

    Mccain voted 90% of the time with Bush.

    anyone remember 2000, good year right.

    Now Look 2008 so different.

    Mccain VP.

    I believe he did that to win Hilary voters and also women voters. That's why Palin was giving Hilary so much credit. She said that to attract women voters but even more Hilary Voters.

    I do feel though that people are voting for Obama cause he's black.

    Technically he's mixed. But anyway he has listed himself as black.

    I think people wanna make history by voting for him as the first black president. But people do what you think is best for America. Everyone who is saying race is not a issue in this elcetion. It every much is. But if you do that it isn't fair. Just as not voting for Mccain cause he's old and had cancer 4 times. Or not voting for Obama because he has a different background. You see.

    Now on Obama VP. Honestly I find it odd. The only thing I could think of why he would pick him is cause they have different views and Bien would disagree and speak his mind. Eh. For me not much of an Issue.

    But the one ad that Mccain was like good luck of Obama I thought that was nice, but it seemed he way have been sucking up.

    In away I find Mccain kinda of immature. Due to the Celebrity ad. Goodness, there a bunch of people that need help. (Paris, Brittney.)

    They dont help nothing. If Obama is president Im sure he'll be looking after the country and not to see if his Vodka bottle is empty.

    Im not sure who is gonna win.

    But go Obama.

    That's a bit about how i look at the election.

    Im young.

    13 years old.

    But i wanna be heard.

    Just like everyone else.


  9. I usually vote Democratic, but I'm having a hard time with this one.  It's crucial for America to get a better president, one who might begin undoing the situation we're in.  I like many of Obama's policies, but I'm just not sure if he's going to follow through.  I think Mccain is a smart guy with lots of experience but he's so.......old! And he's not a moving speaker, he kind of puts me to sleep.  And yes, it IS important that you carry yourself well and get people's attention!

    I REALLY wanted the right woman president, as women have been waiting longer for this.  But what it comes down to isn't the gender, race or anything else, it's will this person not only have the ideas, but be EFFECTIVE in carrying them out?

    Right now I'm leaning towards Obama.

  10. For the people of USA- barrack obama.......because he is corcern about the us economy

    For the world-mccain.......because he is experience in iraq & afganistan.

  11. I like McCain, McCain fights a lot of domestic issues people are not even talking about. Like the Child innocence ACt, drugs in sports, he takes on big money business like no one has ever done.

    He doesn't give up on it either.

    He does the foriegn policy experience, and he said he would hire the countries best economic advisors. I like a politician that says, Im not an expert in this, but I will hire someone who is.

    Obama likes to pretend his one speech shows judgment.

    Biden, and Hillary both said he is not qualified.

  12. Obviously Obama. He is really the only one who can bring this country forward. Mccain is just more of the same. For those of you who are Mccain supporters you are just supporting more bloodshed in Iraq. There is no reason to kill innocent people, It is time to let go of that terrorism b.s and improve our country. Besides, Obama and Biden make a superb team. Have you heard Obama speak? HIs last speech at the democratic convention blew me away. Obama has come from a poor background and has risen his way up. This takes a lot more than what Mccain has. Biden is a fair man with a good supporting family. His former wife and infant daughter died in a car crash so it took him a lot of courage to come up this far. Mccain is a crook of the first order, He thinks that our economy is doing just fine. He does not know what is going on in our lives. Obama is the only one who understands us. Obama/Biden 08'

  13. Why would anyone vote for Obama?  He doesn't support drilling for oil in the U.S. and he is a leader for getting gas prices down.  How are the prices going to go down if we have to rely on foreign countries?  McCain is the clear and only choice for President of the United States.  

  14. OBAMA (:

    I am 15 years old & I know my opinions obviously do not count right now. But in 4 years, I want to be able to choose Obama to lead our country.

    I personally think that those who are voting for McCain are voting for Bush all over again. Those voting for McCain are just afraid of change.

    And who cares if Obama is "inexperienced?" Have you ever ran for president? Do you even have a political background? I didn't think so. You can say that I'm too young to even know what I'm talking about, so go ahead, give me a thumbs down. But I'm pretty sure that Obama would do an amazing job leading this country.

    (AND, about the myths that Obama is "not American..." OBVIOUSLY, you guys have no idea what you're talking about.)

  15. OBAMA!!

    most def. yall McCain supporters stupid..McCain is too d**n old to be president plus his policies are crazy..i mean do u really want him to put the draft back in order..w/e as long as u vote  for OBAMA on Nov 4th!

  16. I'm not racist but if i was old enough my vote would be for McCain. Look at certain things Obama is for. Partial birth abortion, making same s*x marriage legal in every state and all this other c**p that is against the Bible.

    All Christians out there should be voting for McCain. Yeah he has a few problems but he wants to stay in Iraq where Obama wants to pull our soldiers out. I'm not being harsh or mean but our soldiers NEED to stay in Iraq. We went over there to keep the Iraq people from coming over here. So if we pull out of Iraq then give their soldiers enough time, they will be over here in no time and war will be n our soil. Our homes will get bombed, our families will be getting killed and thousands of other things I could name, but i'm not.

    So McCain is a better choice in my eyes. He isn't for abortion(which in every case is wrong), he wants to keep our troops over in Iraq, many other things but i will keep it short and say McCain is a better choice.

    Think about this one thing, is a few extra tax dollars worth a child's life?

  17. OBAMA 08' !

    Most of us couldn't stand 8 years of Bush so why do you wanna put Mcain in office .. to me he is like George Bush the 3rd ! he is bush up and down .!!

    but I think Obama will be the next president  !

    So vote Obama 08 '

  18. McCain said it doesn't matter if it takes a 100 years for this war to end, he supports our troops going over there and being killed and blown up for the sake of what? what!! Obama wants to end this ridiculous good for nothing war that should NOT have started. we dont need another Bush. Obama, has my vote.

  19. McCain. Oh-bummer.

  20. That's John McCain not Bill McCain.

    John McCain will make a much better President .

    Obama is to green to be President

    He needs about 10 more years experience first before running for President.

  21. Obama is you support stupid people who support there own skin color...

    You support liberal minded stupid people...

    You have no idea what AMERICA is all about...

    You support innocent babies slaughtered...

    And last but not least...same s*x people destroying one very basic fabric of... AMERICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  22. Obama

    not McFag..

    USA does not need another Bush. we are fighting a pointless war, which is going nowhere. mccain looks like hes about to fall out. and its time for a change.

    also, if people honestly think mccains running mate has more experience than obama, you must OD on crack, Gov. of Alaska...NICE!! :)

    OBAMA 08'!

  23. I'm going to get a lot of heat for this answer but whatever:

    First off, if you don't know the first name of JOHN MCCAIN, then you shouldn't even be asking this question...let alone given the power to vote.

    Why do you say Barack Obama? Please do not let the reason being because of his race because that's just as bad as all the Hillary Supports who wanted to vote for her because she was a female and it'll be the same for all those who vote for Mccain just because he's white.

    I think people underestimate the power of John McCain. They only see what they want to see and the same goes for Barack Obama. People underestimated him...and now look how far he's gone. I'm not saying he's the better of the two, but progress like that cannot go unnoticed.

    I was really undecided (leaning more towards Barack for health care and other reasons which are too long to name here) but McCain's decision to chose a VP the way he did, solidified the decision to vote for Barack. How dare McCain chose a woman just to please over the Hillary voters?? To me that shows McCain's TRUE colors. It's not about who is actually better for America but who can get him the most votes.

    He chose someone he met over 6 months ago...someone he met once. If that's not carelessness and a sign of what's to come then I don't know what is.

  24. Obama is a dumbass. The only people who will vote for him are blacks, people who are lazy and don't want to work for their money, and idiots.

    If you vote for Obama, here's what you get:

    -BIG tax increase

    -Less rights because let's face it, demorcrates want to control everything.

    -More aliens (so you the tax will go up even more then before because you have to pay for them and there babies)


    -more violence (because more mexicans will be let in. I'm not against letting people into the Us, but they need to be legal! I don't want to pay for them)

    -healthcare (which may sound good, but the governement will still be getting most of your money. And it won't work. THe retired should have healthcare, but everyone else should just get it through there job. America is lazy.)

    And he is also un american. I don't mean because he is balck or his name or religion, I mean because he refuses to put his hand over his heart and he wont say the anthem. To me that is a BIG red flag. And his wife is a *****. I was watching an interview with her and she said she was ashamed to be an american yet she went to the best private school AMERICA had to offer and had was well taken care of. Well, if you are ashamed to be an american, then LEAVE!

    McCain may not be the best, but he is way better the Obama. I agree that this war suck, but look at it from their point of view. No, I don't think we should still be there, but what else could we do? The fact of the matter was that when 9/11 happened we were attack and a war would have been started either way. It would have happened here or there. I think that they need to think that we need to come to some agreemeant with them and increase our defences and send our boys home. The only thing I am worried about is that Bush will start a draft. If I get drafter, you can bet my *** is staying here.

    And the whole enviornment thing, the truth is obama is half right about it. We do need to help the enviornement but it isn't all up to them. You could go buy a hybrid, but most of them are extremely expencive. THERE IS OIL IN THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS! Off shore drilling is not a bad thing and there is a TON of oil in the rocky mountains. But we cant go there because the enviornmentalist won't let us. I'm not saying it's a bad thing to want to protect the enviornement and animals, but a line has to be drawn somewhere. McCain can find that line while Obama can just ***** how he doesn't want to see a oil rig outside his window.

    McCain knows whats best. Obama is inexperianced and will destroy our country. And peple shouldn't just vote for him because he is black, that doesn't make him a good president.

    Oh, and FYI- McCain owns 7 houses I think and Obama brought that up during one of his speeches. I would like to know when it became such a bad thing to own more then one house. Obama is just jealouse because he doesn't. All it shows is that McCain worked hard to earn what he has.


    Sorry for the ramble, but I really hate Obama. And you should have stated WHY you want obama in office and I really hope the reason isn't because he is black.

    McCain '08 (JOHN McCain. Not Bill!)

  25. I think either will be a much better president than our current one.  We really don't know if anyone is going to be a good president before the fact.  There are many variables that can change the plans and promises that are made before taking office.

  26. i don't like either choice for president because they both have the same agenda. i'll vote for anyone on ballot but the 2 major partys and there will be another choice on ballott. untill people realize are goverment wants us to fail we will never get anywere. the 2 major things destroying are economy is free trade and are energy polices. we never had complete free trade untill clintons last term year in office and both partys supported it. it took a while for it to have an effect but don't you think its just wonderful take away tarriffs make it more profitable for factorys to go overseas and take are jobs away. and on energy if are country wanted to drill we would be already they don't want to fix are energy policy or they would have already they just put on a stupid show acting like there doing somthing. and alternative fuels is not the answer we can't produce enough alternative fuels to even power 10 percent of this country even if we switched all are crops to fuel. we are now importing corn and soy for gas and diseal from third world countrys that use to use those crops to feed there people but there goverments rather let there people starve and sell there food supplies to us so we can make fuel. thats somthing that people like algore will never tell you. instead of helping third world countrys develop with technolgy and food to feed there people which would be really cheap if we showed them how we hold them back on purpose because we don't want them to ever become somthing that we can't control. its all part of the nwo. poverty and depending on are goverment for more things is the only way there going to trick us into a nwo because without poverty people wouldn't want to change. yea they ain't going to try to do the nwo order overnight they going to do it slowly but its not that far off from happening. obama and both mcain support nwo. h**l bush's dad was first person to ever talk about it in a speech. clinton even talked about it and praised it. obama trys to deny it. theres no diffrence from the two major choices for president.  

  27. Listen first comes first. It's John McCain not Bill but its ok there are so many politicians its hard to keep up with. Not to sound mean or anything and am NOT a racist nor never will be but a lot of people are just voting for him because he's black. he's not black he's mulatto. A white mama, black daddy etc. Obama makes up a BUNCH of lies. A lot of his stuff is a bunch of bull c**p. If we pull out of the war in Iraq then we'll be fightin it over here, and in less than two years we'll be back over there again. He's a closet muslim, a socialist, marxist (communist),terrorist and the only difference between him and Osama bin Laden is a little B.S. No, Obama will not be good prez. half the stuff he's for he'll never follow thru with and it is impossible to do. John McCain I look up to. He's not the best poilitician but he is a godly man, he went through the vietnam war, was beat, his legs broken, because he chose to stay in prison for 5 years with his inmates rather than be a sissy and go out when he had the chance. he chose to suffer with them like Jesus chose to suffer for us. McCain has a 75% chance of winning for his choice of Sarah Palin as vp; because she is female and because she is a strong woman who stands on her own principles. Just pray for the right man for the job. I think its mccain. definitley not Obama. who wants a prez with Iraq in his first name Hussein as his middle and Bomb in his last. He's also been on marijuana. What has he ever done other than sit around and smoke pot; people actually look up to him? He is the ultimate rookie. the most inexperienced man for the job. the only change obama will bring is America's fall. Don't vote for Obama just because he's black would you rather be liviung in a communist country or a free country. McCain is what we need while we are in these hard times. All Obama will lead to is another stock market crash and the depression that comes ofter that will be even harder than the first one. If there is gonna be a black president I would say Condoleeza Rice. I still believe that Reagan is the better choice dead. He was THE greatest president. I'm all for McCain and I know reagan would be too. Reagan rocks and so does mccain. believe it or not I'm just thirteen yrs old and I already know about politics. listen to Sean Hannity.  I also listen to my daddy. We're 100% republican. Obama is the ultimate hipocrite. I say Nobama. Who wants a towelhead for president?

  28. obama. I am only twelve so I cant vote but I am very tuned in to the election. the lower and middle class should have lower health care! and there are many other reasons that I dont feel like ranting about right now! lol. and no Im not black or poor. you dont have to be black or poor to like obama! we dont need another bush thank you. OBAMA/BIDEN 08!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and its john mccain

  29. I can't vote cause I am European but it matters to us, the rest of the world whom is president in America.

    So whoever is Obama or McCain, hope it's for the better of the world too.

  30. Ron Paul PLEASE! (I wish)

    McCain is going to keel over and Mrs. Palin will be taking his spot. Sadly she is inexperienced, so this will be worse than George Bush in office!

    Obama wants more government in our lives, which is definately not the answer.  Our choices really suck people!

    RON PAUL 08'

  31. Bill Mccain, john clinton or anyone else, whoever makes this economy run better, will make a better president.

    i would rather someone who gives million dollar contracts to start up companies.  

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