
Who do you think will win Obama Or Mccain?

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based on the polls right now and from what you've seen.




  1. obama all the way

    and dont rate my question either cause its my opinion not yours

  2. Obama will win even though McCain is trying to even the score. McCain did pick a woman which is a good move but he also picked an unknown woman. Obama has Clinton on his side so there's not much Palin can do. Palin will also get her asshanded when Biden starts to debate

  3. McCain and s**y Palin, with any luck he'll drop over soon after the election and she can run the country.  :)

  4. It's close but what I do know is they both would look good compared to what has been done for the last 8 years. So, either will do.

  5. Current polls mean nothing.  The only poll that counts is the one on November 4th.  It depends how each campaign unfolds.

  6. Obama Qwerty you are not black for saying that **** realstic my foot

  7. obama

  8. Obama. I'm planning an Obama Party after Election day. That's how positive I am.


  9. mccain because everyone wants another bush

    imnotanna, you voted for bush? *slaps head*

  10. Based on me and my vote, Obama.  The millions of others that will vote on November 4, 2008.  For the first time in US. History, this will be the biggest turn out ever for a President.  How sweet it is.  Obama Rocks.  

  11. Now that women and seniors have seen what the liberals REALLY think of them, McCain

  12. OBAMA!!!!!

  13. i REALLY hope obama will win...but to be honest i won't get my hopes up until he wins so i can celebrate with him but until then idk....and my friend also showed me a quote proving biden is racist....biden said that obama is clean and speaks correctly..that's something u don't see in most right now i'm disappointed in obama's VP choice  

  14. McCain

  15. Obama s near

  16. McCain.

    Just being realistic.  

  17. im not so sure. obama was in the lead unfortunately but now since he didnt choose clinton to b his running mate, and mccain chose that really awesome lady, the scores pretty even. mccains running mate is a woman but shes also a consercative so she can appeal 2 both parties so i think that mccain has an edge rite now. but u never know.

  18. Poor McCain, he will be so stressed, and in danger from all kinds of terrorists.  

  19. It could go either ways. This latest thing with Obama making a really stupid choice with Biden and McCain making a really smart, tactical move by choosing Palin may be the deathblow for Obama, but there's a chance McCain can be painted as shallow for his selection yet. We'll have to see.

    In either case, it's like the tagline from Freddy vs. Jason - "Whoever wins, WE LOSE". McCain and Obama are almost mirror images of each other, with neither being significantly worse than the other.

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