
Who do you think will win SO You Think You Can Dance???

by  |  earlier

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I say either Joshua, Katee, Will, Chelsea or Mark. I just want to see what you guys think!! Thanks




  1. Okay so I personally love the first 3 u listed but,

    Josh is great, but i want to see him become even greater

    Will would win if this was all technical moves, as well as Chealsie. (Don't get me wrong, I would not mind if they win)

    but I luv Katee b/c she, in my opinion, is very versatile and adapts to so many styles of dance. She also does great despite what partner she may have or get in the future.

    So I want her to win, but I think it will come down to her or Will.

  2. Kherington all the way! Her and Twitch are me FAVORITES!!!

  3. Hmm... this is a tough one...


    (the brunette one)

  4. will kherington or katee are my choices!

  5. I can't predict who will win but I hope that Chelsie wins!

  6. hehe i love Gev :]

  7. Courtney<3

  8. chelsea hightower will totally win!!!

  9. I wanted Kherington to win at first, but now I see that Katee is a better dancer, and I'm started to like her more every week! I hope she wins, and if not, then Chelsie!

  10. Katee. .....or Chelsea :)

  11. OMG. i cant picture ANYONE else winning besides kherington/twitch and katee/joshua!!!!!

  12. KATEE

  13. I think Katee will win. She is flawless and a beautiful dancer.

  14. Ohh I think Carrington is a great dancer!!!! She is good at mostly anything. Gev is soo funny, but I don't think he well win. I think Will is a very amazing dancer. Katee is very gracefull when it comes to contemporary and she rocks. Those are my choices. Katee is better slow and Carrington fast but isa also good at slow. Thayne smiled all the time lol, evern when we went home.

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