
Who do you think will win at Summerslam?

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Cena or Batista?




  1. I really want Batista to win but knowing the WWE, they will have Cena win because he is more popular with the fans. And, lets face it, he always has to win.

  2. bastisita for summerslam  

  3. CENA

  4. I am Positive that there will no be a clear winner, either orton interferes or its a double countout or something.

  5. Batista

  6. I am not sure now!

    Because on my perspective the match was never gonna be settle because in my mind there was a 100% chance that Randy would have interfered the match and that would have never seen the outcome of that match.

    But unluckly Randy got into a motorcycle incident so i really don't know anymore. I guest i am hoping that Batista win because Cena is more overrated then him on my perspective!

    Edit: Woaw i am surprised i got a thumps down from a Cena fan, i am not a hater i am just putting the facts out there!

  7. JBL vs CM Punk-

    I would say JBL probably wins this. Cm Punk I like more but I see JBL cheatin a win with a steel chair or his "personal security"

    Undertaker vs Edge-

    I think we all would like to say Undertaker. He is my favorite superstar, but with Edge cheating on his wife, turning his back on la Familia I saw a glimmer in Edge that I used to love so many years ago. The True Rated R Superstar. I would not be all too upset if he beat the Deadman

    Triple H vs The Great Khali-

    I think everybody is going to say Triple H. And nobody really cares about Khali. On SD! They said it is anatomicly impossible for the Game to pedigree The Great Khali, however we all know he most likely will pull it off. As for my prediction I say Khali wins and hurts Triple H to the point of him taking a couple weeks off because he just had a baby and wants time off.

    Cena vs Batista-

    Wow I highly dislike both of these superstars. I say Batista with an impressive Batista Bomb.

    Mickie James and Kofi Kingston vs Beth Phoenix and Santino-

    Personally I think Beth can beat Mickie and eventually will, but she is not fast enough for Kofi, and Santino cant even wrestle Hornswaggle so my predicted winner is Mickie and Kofi

    MVP vs Jeff Hardy-

    Im with the Hardy fans on this one. I think that Jeff will pound the living daylights out of MVP. Your winner Jeff Hardy

  8. Cena

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  9. Batista after Orton interferes because he faked his injury and Batista and Orton will be a new stable with maybe Jericho  

  10. GREAT question - I pick Batista

  11. i completely agree with Jordan23

    Randy comes down and stops the match(wich wouldve been pathetic so its a good thing he stop the match) Batista and Randy Re-Form Evolution and Take out the overated superstar Cena.

    and let Priceless Join them. two up and comers teaming with The Legend Killer will certanly help build their populariy like flair and hhh did to randy and batista

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