
Who do you think will win the 2007 Grand Final?

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Who do you think will win the 2007 Grand Final?




  1. based on current form the eagles will be hard to beat although for a long odds option put the lions in there and the hawks, they can pull out a few surprises and upset top teams... watch the hawks this year to definetly make the 8

  2. If they keep on going at this rate I think that the Cats have got a chance (no bias at all). They picked up Tom Hawkins whose a legend as well as the players they already have like Chapmen, Ottens and Harley.

  3. See the Bombers fly UP UP to win the premiership flag. GO DONS!!!

  4. West Coast Eagles -hopefully. They continue to impress with their perfect wins and dramas off field.

    Otherwise Geelong are in a good position and are playing some good football.

    Sydney however should never be underrated.


  5. A biased view...Carn the mighty Eagles!!!! :P

    An independent view...Sydney are playing the same sort of football that's gotten them into the last two grand finals...or Geelong are about due for a premiership. :)

  6. i hope kangas will win but i think essedon bombers are in for a fighting chance 4 the flag

  7. Gee, I hope its not a West Coast/Sydney GF again this year!

    Both teams are still looking good at the moment...Other teams need to get their act together and replace these 2 as GF contenders!

    My hope is Adelaide, but if not Adelaide anyone but WC/Sydney?...its time for a change! Otherwise football will become very predictable?  and I thought the AFL was trying to prevent teams dominating the competition year after year?

  8. I too would like to see someone different then Sydney And West Coast but if they make it its because there worked hard for 26 weeks to make it there but Geelong are playing well and got some stars players this year but Essendon, West Coast and Sydney and Brisbane are looking good also, its a bit early to tell ask me in 3-4 rounds when the top 8 start taking shape at the moment i dont think Melbourne are looking to promising for the top 8.

  9. bloody west coast eagles again

  10. west coast amd if they do imagine the party at the end of it!! but seriously if they do after the year they have had it would be one of the best efforts to back after a win ever

  11. EAGLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. Eagles

  13. sydney or brisbane will win the flag

  14. Essendon. Sure they lost against Carlton but every team has at least one loss a year and this  loss will make Kevin Sheedy even harder to make his  team win this week.

  15. carlton won the NAB cup and they can win the grand final!

  16. West Coast v Geelong. Eagles buy 100points!!

  17. Well, if  Adelaide gets in the GF, they would win it.

    West Coast and Sydney are 2 teams that look strong and possibly could win.

    Out of the Victorian teams at this stage, St Kilda and Collingwood and Essendon could make it to the Grand Final, but highly unlikely, Western Bulldogs can win the big one.

  18. Which ever team have less serious injuries, suspensions but still pace at the end of the the moment no-one can bet 1 mill on any team is a very mixed and unpredictable tournament!!

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