
Who do you think will win the 2008 US presidency and why?

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I was wondering what everyone thought. At the present, I'm just not sure.




  1. The most proficient liar will win.  It remains to be seen which one can tell the biggest and best lies.

  2. I feel it will go right down racial lines and McCain will win.  And I don't like him any more than the other choice.

  3. Obama will see little convention bounce as McCain's chess playing has done him well (waiting until after Obama's speech to choose his surprise running mate took much of the media coverage off Obama for a few hours), and McCain will see a big convention bounce as the GOP convention is last.  McCain will also crush Obama in the debates as he is a seasoned debater in the Senate while has shown that he really cannot think too quickly without a teleprompter in front of him.  The only wrench is Palin....she could turn out to be McCain's Dan Quayle and that could hurt him as people will question his age.

    In other words, I think McCain will win.

  4. McCain, because people are stupid.

  5. i am an independent and i think McCain will win.

    before his new vp pick the polls had them tied, now he has probably brought past clinton supporters on his side. this may bring his numbers up. i think obama is getting old. people are tired of here his great speeches, but not seeing anything to back them up, or seeing the opposite. he wants change, but uses old politics and old politicians. i think people are starting to know more and more about obama, too for better OR WORSE. i think we are understand that his inexperience is not going to bring change, just promblems. the one thing that i think most of all is that no matter which wins there may not be much change unless wahington reforms.

    Obama time hasnt come yet

    but sadly McCain's time has passed

    where does that leave us?

  6. The winners will be the best qualified for President and the one with the best principals and executive experience for Vice-President; thus, it will be President John McCain and Vice-President Sarah Palin.

  7. McCain.  Sarah Palin will solidify his base in a lot of swing states.  He doesn't need the handful of fringe die-hard Hillary supporters.  He needs the votes of millions of common citizens who are sick of Bush and ready to vote the Republicans out of office.  Palin is total game changer.  When she goes into those small towns full of typical bitter white gun toting religious nuts (as the left sees them) they are going to see one of their own.  This pick is 10 million votes.  3 will come at the expense of Obama, the rest were people who would have no showed the election.

  8. Obama will win.  McCain picked a woman for vice president, American men aren't going to vote for him because of that reason.  Most men are sexist and do not want to see a woman as president or vice president.  Yes I said it so everyone can give me the thumbs down now.  I don't care.  lol

  9. Obama - Biden

    Why - so far Obama has not been behind in the polls. At best its been a dead heat. I do think it will be a close election. Closer than it should be given the fact that Americans in general dislike Bush and McCain wants to continue most of Bush's policies.

  10. McCain-Palin.

    Obama has to many negatives. He can talk the talk, but right now I don't think he is walking the walk with Biden. He chose the good ole boy network of Washington, that isn't change.

    McCain picked Palin. She represents change. Look what she did in Alaska with corruption. Now that is change on the resume.

  11. Obama because he gets it. McCain just doesn't get it.  

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