
Who do you think will win the 6 Nations this year?

by  |  earlier

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And who are you supporting. (No negative country bashing please.)




  1. I'm supporting Ireland and hope they can win the 6 nations but I must admit I wasn't that impressed with their perfprmance today...hopefully they'll improve

  2. It is  very open for any team to win it this year so it is hard to predict who will!

    I think France may snatch it but HOPE Wales will shock as they did in 2005!

  3. I hate to have to admit this, I really do, but I think France will just edge it from England with Italy in last place.

    Ireland are a good outside bet.

    That said "Swing Low sweet Chariot and come on England"

  4. Ireland

  5. irland or england. back em both.

  6. well after a good  world cup

    it look like england or ireland

    scotlnd didnt do so well

    no wales s for france t last they got the ll blacks out

    supporting  england of course

    sweet charriott

  7. WALES

  8. Engerland!

  9. Ireland or England

  10. Ireland.

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