
Who do you think will win the NBA FINALS FOR 2009 any predictions?

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i want the golden state warriors to make it to the playoffs and hofeully to the finals. WE BELIEVE! but boston might take it again.F*CK THE LAKERS THO.




  1. I am Lakers fan, but i think it might tougher for lakers to win next year, even if byrum is back, because now hornet and rockets will be much better defense team, lakers glad didn't face them last playoff.  Lakers has issue facing rockets in the past, and hornet team is very similar to lakers but they got a top lakers killer (posey in their arsenal).  And don't forgot the jazz, they improve every year.  

  2. Hornets vs Pistons

    Hornets vs Celtics

    Lakers vs Pistons

    Lakers vs Celtics

    I luv da warriors.they seemed like americans team until bdiddy left.Al harrington went to my school

  3. jazz vs any eastern conference team Jazz win.

  4. On paper my picks would be Celtics v.s Rockets

    I made these picks strictly on talent and potential

  5. rockets

    in 6 games

  6. Lakers can't play defense so know one is really worried about them.

    As a Celtics fan I'm only worried about New Orleans and Houston!

  7. LAKERS ALL THE WAY BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Jazz vs. 76ers

    Jazz win

  9. It will be Boston Celtics vs either San Antonio, New Orleans or Houston But it won't the Lakers.

  10. U hate LA wow.

    I hate east period mostly Detroit Pistons

    Either u like it or not

    I hope Spurs vs Boston

  11. Reported.

  12. 2009 is gonna be hard for the NBA, every team is upgraded and ready, I think it MIGHT be another laker vs. celtics, but we have to see.

  13. the celtics will be there no doubt, itll be houston vs celtics

  14. Lakers vs. Celtics. Rematch! This time the Lakers will take it!

  15. The Warriors lost too much, although they have talent, there's a slim chance they could surprise.

    Hornets Vs. Celtics

    I think the Big 3 can't be stopped, especially in the East, and while eveyrone thinks the Lakers, I see the Hornets as a very well-rounded team, Adding Posey was great and more experience won't hurt.



  17. it will be another mavs heat series

  18. I wish spurs could win NBA champion in 2009!!!

    Duncan + Parker + Manu + dirty Bowen = overwhelming

  19. Rockets vs Celtics

    Rockets in 6.

  20. miami and detroit east  CONFERENCE FINALS

    throw it up could go either way

    miami has mario chambers (PG) D Wade (SG) Beasley (SF) Marion (PF) GG

    Detroit u all know we ve been in the play offs so long

    lets go DETROIT


    west would be

    Houston + Portland

    Hourston- T Mac( poor man's kobe) Yao (poor man's dwight) and Ron Artest (He makes them tougher stronger more defensive better offensive and more gangsta gangsta. no one s gonna wanna fite with houston now. they aint no wussies nymore)

    Portland- B Roy(the kid can play fo real. n he gets every1 involved), aldridge (he could flat out score) G Oden (he averaged 15 and 7 in college w. his left hand :] WOW WOW GG) and a deep bench (bayless, etc)

  21. What I THINK will happen :

    Boston Celtics vs Phoenix Suns. Suns Win.

    What I WANT to happen:

    Toronto Raptors vs Phoenix Suns. Raptors win. :D GO RAPS!

  22. no question that it will be boston in the east, but in the west, maybe spurs or lakers. i think lakers. anyways, i truly believe boston will win it all again, with the help of rajon rondo, leon powe, and the 3 rookies

  23. look at all these bandwagoners. (Rockets)

    West Contender

    Houston- Top 3 defense last year, with Artest they should be stronger

    Hornets- Chris Paul, Chandler, West pretty good young team, we all know whet they did last year

    Lakers- Best player in the game, but I think Bynum is still not 100% NBA ready.

    Spurs- You can never count them out. Could be the 00's Dynasty with Duncan, Parker, Manu.

    East Contenders:

    Celtics- Of coarse Big 3.

    Pistons- They have not a great 4, but a decent one with Hamilton, Billups, Prince and Wallace

    Cavs- Another young team getting better

    Philly- With Brand on their roster and Igoudala(best underrated player in East) they could be a tough combo.

    The strongest teams out of those 8 are Houston Hornets, Celtics, Pistons.

    There are few possibilities.

    Rockets v. Celtics

    Hornets v. Celtics

    Pistons v. Rockets

    Hornets v. Pistons

    They way it looks right now its kind of hard to predict.

    hate to admit it, but man Golden State isn't ready yet. Honestly not a hater of GSW, I know what they did to Dallas, but reality is they aren't  contenders yet.

  24. Houston Rockets VS Boston Celtics hopefully.  

  25. i think Rockets vs. Celtics

  26. Suns vs Pistons-Suns win in 6

    Nash takes home finals mvp-FINALLYYYY

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