
Who do you think will win the world cup?

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  1. One of the Southern Hemisphere Nations.

  2. South Africa!

  3. Never rule the Aussies out,they always do well when it comes to major competitions.I would have to say the All blacks though,they are the Bookie's favourites and the team to beat.

  4. france won't win it..NoWay, it'll probably be the all-blacks.I agree with you, this question has been asked too many times, it's getting tedious.

  5. I really fancy Ireland to win it!  They are in a hard group and will up there game for it!!!!!!!

  6. Its always tricky to bet against the New Zealander's, I think they will win it this year.

    France have a chance agreed, but they wont win it (in my opinion) ... Sorry.

    As for you asking the same question to make the point that people ask the same questions .... You are doing the same thing. Lol.

  7. England will win again.

    The first game is coming soon(8th Sep).

    add: The world cup starts on 7th September.

  8. i think new zealand would be nice england again

  9. USA...... HA!!!  I wish...

  10. Course its got the be us English

    England For the Double

  11. France or All Blacks can't split them.

  12. New Zealand

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