
Who do you think will win this years premiership ?. (2008 - 09).

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and, Do you think ther might be a dark horse for the premiership, if so, Who ?.




  1. I think Arsenal is the Dark horse and they will win BPL (2008-2009).

  2. I think Arsenal will win it this year as the dark horse - everyone has them written off but just wait and see.

  3. Arsenal

  4. Man Utd followed by Liverpool,  

  5. I hope it's Liverpool.

    And if Liverpool can't win then I hope Chelsea does.

  6. Manchester United will hopefully win the Premier League title 3 times on the bounce. Dark horse Chelsea.

  7. Manchester United will retain their crown in my opinion! If they can add one more striker I think they will do it!

    Dark Horse for the Premiership: Aston Villa...but they will not win it!

  8. Liverpool, closely followed by Chelsea and Manchester United.

  9. Liverpool will win it. From A true Liverpool fan. You'll Never Walk Alone.

  10. Liverpool will win it(Torres and Keane will be a great strike pair)

    or Chelsea may be

    dark horse? mmmmm...nope

  11. man utd

  12. i 'd like to see liverpool win it,but i think it will be man u again

  13. Livepool! And as far as a dark horse... well I don't even know if you can consider any of the other Big Four as a dark horse to win the Prem. They will all be up there as usual.

  14. Man Utd will win the league unless Scolari is very successful in his first spell in English football.  Man Utd haven't changed a whole lot since last season whilst Chelsea have a new manager.  Arsenal don't have enough strength in depth and Liverpool probably have the 3rd best squad on paper but always drop silly little points and don't do well enough against the other top 3.

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