
Who do you think won the fight between forrest and rampage?

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Who do you think won the fight between forrest and rampage?




  1. forrest....

  2. I didnt see it, but it sounds like it should have been a draw. Forrest has worked hard though, and I can't say he does not deserve to be champ. I just wish it had been a clear cut win. But hey, the UFC has EXACTLY the type of  guy that they wanted to have the championship. He is a great fighter, he has a ton of personality, and he appeals to the audience that makes up the bulk of the UFC fan base. Now, let's just see when his first title defense is, and who his opponent will be. Light Heavyweight is no cakewalk, and there are a lot of fighters out there that can take that belt away from Forrest.

  3. At the absolute worst it was a draw, with Rampage winning 3 rounds, but Forrest scoring 10-8 in round two.  But I really think that the 2nd round is the ONLY round Forrest won, and Rampage should have won 48-46.  

    First round, Rampage wins, Forrest dropped with an uppercut.

    Second round, Forrest wins (and like I said, it could have been scored an 8 point round for Jackson, but I don't think Forrest did enough for it to be scored that way).

    Third round on, the only things Forrest had going were the leg kicks (which lost their effectiveness after round 2), and jabs that weren't hurting Rampage.  Rampage, on the other hand, was landing some powerful punches with almost every combo he threw!

    I'm sorry, but even if you give 2 rounds to Forrest, the worst outcome is a draw, but after watching the fight twice, the 2nd round is the only one where Forrest did more damage than Rampage.

    Rampage was screwed!

  4. forrest

  5. it was a good fight but forrest won and i really didnt care who won there both good

  6. (probably more than you wanted when you asked the question...)

    When I watched the webcast last night, I agreed that Forrest had won and had scored it 48-46 in my mind. I was actually shocked to wake up this morning and find that the decision was viewed by many as controversial, so I went back and re-watched it this morning.

    Rd 1--Forrest is controlling the action and, IMO, winning the round until Jackson wobbles him with an uppercut durning an exchange. The punch gives Jackson a clear advantage the rest of the round. Round to Rampage 10-9.

    Rd. 2-Obviously it is Forrest's round. The only debate is whether to score it 10-9 or 10-8. I scored it 10-8 because Jackson does NOTHING this round. I hit Griffin with almost as many punches from my living room as Rampage did in the octagon in this five minutes. Griffin controls posture, makes 3 solid attempts to position Rampage for possible submission moves, and converts one into a mount midway through the round. Rampage makes a weak attempt with 1 min. to go to push Forrest off and fails. True, Forrest didn't cut Rampage open or stop the fight from full mount, but he's constantly working to improve position. If sitting on top of someone and controlling them for a full 5 minute round doesn't count for 10-8, I don't know what does. Forrest 10-8 (or 10-9)

    Rnd. 3 -- One of the controversial rounds. I'll grant that Rampage lands the most impressive single punch of this round. Forrest, however, spends the first 3-1/2 minutes planted in the center of the octagon and initiates all but one of the punching exchanges during this time. Aggression and Octagon Control are two of the UFC's scoring criteria and Jackson doesn't land a punch damaging enough to deserve the round based on striking alone (he didn't strike that much anyway until the final 60 seconds...). Forrest 10-9.

    Rnd 4--Best action round of the fight. Rampage presses forward and throws more punches. Forrest tries a sweep from the clinch and appears to slip or lose balance. Rampage lands on top of him and scores on a few punches/elbows. Forrest tried for a triangle choke, got semi-slammed. Rampage 10-9.

    Rnd 5--The other big controversy round. You can almost repeat the round 3 comments here. Forrest initiates almost everything that occurs in the first 3 minutes of the round and is rarely outside the Bud Light logo in the center of the octagon. He clearly wins in the areas of aggression and octagon control. Only difference is that he hits Rampage with more jabs this round and his kicks are crisper. In other words, the striking criteria is more balanced than before. Rampage probably still lands the hardest single shot of the round, but it isn't near brutal enough to stagger Forrest or to elevate him over Forrest's clear control of both the octagon and aggression criteria for judging. Forrest 10-9

    Final result: Forrest 48-46 (or 48-47).

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