
Who do you trust to make the world more peaceful? Obama or McCain?

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Who do you trust to make the world more peaceful? Obama or McCain?




  1. obama its a young politican and he has oder plans

  2. Ones a zombie, the other a racist. What can I tell you.

  3. we NEED Obama or Hilary in there. McCain will do no good.

    someone needs to get in there and clean up bush's ugly mess.


  4. Neither will find is in the best interests of the US economy to always be in conflict so they can sell their weapons , planes  etc. Does anyone really believe that the heirachy in the armed forces want peace.

    They would lose their jobs if there was comes the CIA and helps them.

    Remember Oliver North...drugs for arms.

    Remember the first to die in war is the truth...then the women and kids and the innocent..............while Nero fiddles.

  5. the world should spark up a big one and just chill out

  6. Obama

  7. Neither! our world will never be the same again, and you cannot  blame presidents of america, people live in fear on a daily basis all over the world

  8. Anybody but Obama........

  9. The candiate that doesn't want to leave troops in Iraq for 100 years

    Barack Obama

  10. McCain.  Although he may be against bringing the troops home right now, that is what I believe to be best.  I do not think we should leave until the job we have started is finished.  I believe that having Obama in charge and there being an immediate pulling out of the troops would only lead to chaos.

  11. Fleetwood Mac.

  12. Me.

  13. Pretty much anyone BUT McCain.

  14. Obama and McCaine are my two favorite so i'm not sure....

  15. Between the two, Obama, without doubt.

  16. omg I think Obama, or McCain. idk though, I don't know who's more responsible.

  17. McCain, Obama supports hate mongers.  h**l, a hate mongerer married obama and his wife, baptised his kids, and says God D**n America.  So uh, McCain

  18. The world will never be peaceful, it never has so why should you expect things to change in the future.

  19. Me

  20. Hilary CLinTON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111

  21. The word peaceful and McCain shouldn't even be in the same sentence.  OBAMA FTW (for the win)

  22. hilary...i think..idk

  23. Obama.

    He comes from alot of different cultures and backgrounds.

    He of all the candidates should know what it's like to be discriminated against because of racial reasons. I feel that he would make the world more peaceful because he can see the world through different eyes than that of the other candidates.

  24. Obama. McCain voted for the war and still maintains that he supports it.

  25. RON PAUL

    and how does this relate to global warming ?

  26. The only person i can trust. . . myself! You can't rely on anyone else to change things or do anything for you, the only way to create peace, is by starting with yourself, if everyone in the world decided that today, where would we be?

  27. Hillary!

  28. McCain. Obama will just get us in a nuclear war with China and Pakistan

  29. McCain...

    If Obama gets in there... there is more to be concered about then PEACE.   America won't be the same as a SOCIALIST state.

  30. Obama hands down. Not even close. McSame? Are you kidding me?

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